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Alchemical Coffee portions

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Legends speak'eth of the ingredients, both hallowed and profane, that coagulate into this brew, arcane: 

1 thimble full of cinnamon (grated under a Blood Moon) 

2 teaspoons of cannabus-infused Ghee (from cow, not buffalo)

1 teaspoon of Myrrh

3 pinches of gold

3 drops of frankincense resin

1 cardamon seed (from the Crypt of St Francis)

Coffee Beans


*Best simmered over the blue flame of sulfur

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Dave brews a mean brew, Chris (and in my view, the 'perfect' ratio changes day to day; more another time). Thanks for the reference, too.


Benny: ground cinnamon, one part; fresh ground nutmeg, one part (DW has the tiniest grater I have ever seen for this element); and one part found cardamon. If buying already ground, keep all spices  in the fridge (the essential oils are volatile, so will evaporate quickly) and do not mix up too much at a time. I do three small teaspoons of each, into a chocolate shaker used for cappuccinos. 

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My partner occasionally adds some of my home-made (meaning it's different every time) chai spice mix to her morning espresso - added to the portafilter basket with the ground coffee before pulling the shot.


The current batch has (in no particular quantities):


- cinnamon

- nutmeg

- ground ginger

- cardamom

- cloves

- black pepper

- star anise

- fennel seeds


It is delicious (I've had a sip of hers) but I won't sully my espresso with anything - coffee is perfect as it is.

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Nathan - liquorice you say..!  I shall try this liquorice and cinnamon beverage.


Pogo69 - ah, this is called a dirty chai where I am from.  I had one with Hammer in the Frozen Capital that contained coconut milk and was fucking amazing.. trying to emulate it at home I made a concoction that was almost undrinkable. 

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It was an idea I got from a UK brand of teas that a friend gifted me - Pukka. Most of the herbal teas are delicious, and I noticed that licorice seemed to be in all of them. To most Americans licorice equals the black jellybean, so it's not something I would have thought to add to a tea, but it turns out that it adds a very nice sweet accent to almost any blend.

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