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Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru!

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I was a little more sore today was hard to get further rom. I'm interested in the sides splits protocol. Would there be any pre requisites for doing ballistic side splits?


I was a little more sore today was hard to get further rom. I'm interested in the sides splits protocol. Would there be any pre requisites for doing ballistic side splits?

Its early days but I'd say you'd want a decent 4-5 sets of 60s Iso side splits at a decent depth, 3 x 10 Bw back squat atg and some time spent doing Pu Bu/ drop stance bounces. 


Maybe not just yet for me. I can hit 4 sets of 60s at my current level which would be around 120-130 degrees.

The doms is gone today I was worried it was going to get worse! I reached head to half thumb.


MH took us through about 30' of (IIRC) about 1,200 reps in all of the HtT one, and many others from his protocol at the intern gathering here at the new gym yesterday. I am sore today, but a lot less than I thought I would be—since moving (end last year) Miss O and I have done almost no stretching (apart from the few workshops I have presented). I have been doing a s%$^load of manual labour instead.


I always get DOMS with strength or flexibility work, so this is no different (and I have a massive leg-length difference). But I like the feeling of doing the ballistic stretching and if enough people get good results with it (including me!) it will be subsumed into the larger body of work we teach. 


Generally, I think one needs a bit of physical self-awareness and better than average balance, so my sense is that some static stretching and mobility work can be considered preparation for ballistic stretching if you are a complete beginner. 

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Generally, I think one needs a bit of physical self-awareness and better than average balance, so my sense is that some static stretching and mobility work can be considered preparation for ballistic stretching if you are a complete beginner. 


I think the good thing about the Shi Da Pan ones is the stretch and force is limited by your balance as it takes some time for people to be able to balance well enough to go full speed and to full depth. I agree I wouldn't throw complete beginners into this type of stretching.


What about frontsplits and lunge ballistics I was thinking applying the same technique to that. Have you tried it Emmet? I am currently working 10 hours a day so this is keeping my mood on :D




I asked that question (regarding the lunges) on page 1 or 2. From what I can tell by now, it works quite well. I have been doing them in sets of 50/50 throughout the day, it gives you a very nice "springy" feeling when you walk afterwards :D Just make  sure to tense the glutes when doing it and try to pull your pelvis towards a posterior tilt (which won't be possible if you back leg is straight).


As for the front splits, I have great results just using my strength to slightly bounce up and down when I'm just above the floor. If I remember correctly, Tom Kurz also showed that for the side split in his latest product.  


When I go to Darwin Im going to experiment with ballistic stretching on my mother (almost 60y/o).  I will let you know if she explodes, but my feeling is ballistic stretching is fine for anyone, the volume and intensity of the bounce will just need to be adjusted - i.e. don't start with 5 x 108 intense bounces.

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One thing I have noticed for myself today was doing slower, more forceful pulses gave me more rom faster. Before I was doing pretty kick pulses and I'd get stuck at one spot for a few dozen reps so today I really pulled myself into the stretch actively then as I came out relaxed wit great results. I have really shaky and weak legs now haha.

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I Think it works better, because you spend more time in the most intense part of the Stretch. + going out of the Stretch is way more comfortable


Say you don't have the 25% BW Jefferson Curl, how would you progress the weight of it week to week? Just like regular strength training?


Cregan: I progress joint prep exercises very slowly. 2.5 - 5kg every 8 - 12 weeks


Having never done J Curls before, but with plenty of deadlifting and squatting in my legs, I found after doing 3x10reps 2x per week at 12kg/16kg for a month, I had the movement down and improved my RoM quite a bit too. I was then able to build it upto 28kg/30% for the last set over the following month, as each increase felt no harder and in fact helped me progress lower.  But at 28kg I got the feeling I was taxing different muscles in new ranges, and I was starting to resist the weight rather than work with it on the way down, so should probably build a solid foundation at that level before moving the weight up again.  It's definitely one to do mindfully.


About a week Craig. I can get there in the first set of 72 generally the previous 2 sets it takes me a few pulses to get back to that stage then the rest of the pulses go nowhere.


A plateau of a week isn't too much to be concerned with but here's some options

A: Add a short, 20 -40s static stretch at the end of the set focusing on breathing and lengthening.

B: Add a tiny bit of assist with the hands not much and be gentle.

C: Play with your foot postion, Most people aren't in full dorsiflexion and could have to toes back more or need to slightly invert the foot as well as dorsiflex.


Cheers I'll try them out. I have my foot propped up 4-5 inches but I'll try actively dorsiflexing as well.

Apart from that making solid pu bu gains. Is hard with limited dorsiflexion but I manage to get my hammies to my calves. The adductor doms is great. I hope it improves internal rotation, same with horse stance and side splits.

Deep lunge pulses give me the most insane stretch along my whole psoas especially my right side its intense but awesome.


A happy update here. Day ten head to toe achieved on left side ( last ten bounces ) right side two fingers to go. Pancake day five getting my chin to floor at the end of rom. And pu bu really increasing my sidesplits rom day 3 here. I havent got any doms really probably because I got to a point where I was doing 200 reps shi da pan before this. Emmet what are you working on after you get a nice forehead to toe, chin or putting foot higher? I want to get a full passive pike when I am cold and nice full pike active compression later. I am doing 3x72 sets still I will add ten bounces more every ten days.

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Send me a pic for my wall of fame!

First get it to stabilise on both sides. ie you start hitting it withing about 20 pulses in the am pulses or 20 in the evening. Then raise the leg to bellybutton height and repeat. 


I just want to put my personal experience incase it helps someone. I did some head to toe but leg reps at a much greater intesity, as such hitting 72 reps was too much and I always back out too early. I decrease ROM hit the 72 now I'm at a level where I can go further and hold it for longer. I also started doing morning stretchy sessions and my initial reaction was it I got less far in my head to toe training later in the day, but after about 4 I go a lot further on my first set and the whole thing feels a lot more relaxed.

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