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Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru! ×
Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru!

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You can do both but the kneeling one is better for clearing out the calves Imo


I will get me a dose of that too.  


BTW I wall looking for "full body stretching (head to toe)" routine... LOL.

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Hi Emmet,


I have just started playing with ballistic stretching for several days now with promising gains in ROM.  My flexibility in the pike is fingers to floor : ( much less than palms to floor as recommended as a prerequisite in the vidoe.  Do you recommend using other methods to reach this ROM in the pike or a lower volume of pulses?


Pyxida I'd keep working Shi da Pan 1 or craigs ballistic program with some partner or loaded stretching once or twice a week til you can hit a good palms flat pike with no warm up before starting this.

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Hey friends, 


long time reader here, this topic seems perfect for a first post , I 'm in.


First of all, thanks a lot Emmet for the information, this program seems more realistic than what I've read about Ido's Wushu protocol with 800 pulses per leg. I've played around with these pulses over the last couple of days and did about 500 per leg. Today I started with your program. My starting point is opposite ellbow to the foot, which is still quite painful and much harder on my right side. I also got my feiyue shoes ;)


I'm also adding 5 - 10 minutes of 7-step Mabu. 


Finally i wanted to ask, does anybody have experience with a similiar program for the hipflexors? At the moment I'm doing a couple of sets of lunges, (focusing on the eccentric part and the stretch) throughout the day which seems to work quite well. I'm wondering if pulses would be even better?


All the best,



Hey welcome.

I've done similiar sets and reps using a kneeling hip flexor stretch and a standing long step lunge results were good. Add in partner ST/physical alchemt hip flexor stretching once a week and the results are very good.


Hey welcome.

I've done similiar sets and reps using a kneeling hip flexor stretch and a standing long step lunge results were good. Add in partner ST/physical alchemt hip flexor stretching once a week and the results are very good.


I was thinking of trying that too, since as you know I have another protocol for pike that is working well.  What "gauge" do you use for depth, or just go by feel?


The carryover into other movements is incredible. Am just slightly sore today.

I almost got my opposite elbow to toe today and straight after I went into front splits and I was an inch or so off the floor both sides due my hip flexors. After that I went into a standing pike and could get my head touching halfway down my shins.

Only day 2...


JoachimG: I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it gets progressively worse til day 6 or 7 then levels off then goes away a few days later. You're rom should still increase daily or every second day regardless of the soreness.



I've got a quick question on the counting, since I didn't find it described in the video, or did I miss something?

It is said 1 x 36 ( or 3 x 72) and we have 3 different stretches (same side elbow, opposite elbow, head) on 5 different levels (Fist + thumb, Fist + ½ thumb, 4 fingers, 3, 2, 1 fingers, Toe).


So how would the the the protocoll look like?


Thank you very much!


Kind regards, Sascha


The stretches are levels so is the finger count down, you start on same side elbow and work your way down the fingers. Once you get same side you move to opposite side then head. Everytime you make good definite contact with the hand/toe is a sign to move to the next level. You'll reach a plateau every now and then and have to keep working at that level for a few days then you'll progress.


The main program is 3 x 72 pulses working through the levels. The 1 x 36 upon rising before breakfast is for the fast mode but not necessary but it does speed up the results.


Quotes from emmet:

"Also I would like to take this time and say fuck you and your doms inducing stretching"


and this one:
"I now understand why ballistic stretching is a no no in the greater fitness community
someone done it once
got doms like this
and was "fuck this" no one should ever have to deal with this"
  • Like 4

Thanks a lot for your answer, Emmet, I'll add those hip flexor stretches!


Just a quick question on the proper form: Back leg straight or bent at the knee? As the hip does only have so much extension (20-30° if I remember correctly), one would have to compensate via extension of the lower back as in a front split if the knee stays straight, right?


Also, the last time I felt this kind of soreness was in China when my Shifu decided to do what he called "power stretching" on me, haha :D


Thank you for the clarification, makes completely sense!


Greetings from Germany, Sascha


The stretches are levels so is the finger count down, you start on same side elbow and work your way down the fingers. Once you get same side you move to opposite side then head. Everytime you make good definite contact with the hand/toe is a sign to move to the next level. You'll reach a plateau every now and then and have to keep working at that level for a few days then you'll progress.


The main program is 3 x 72 pulses working through the levels. The 1 x 36 upon rising before breakfast is for the fast mode but not necessary but it does speed up the results.


Emmet: yes! Haha so good. I feel like retribution is near, still haven't got DOMS yet, but I can feel it's coming with elevated daily head to toe. Got some sweet nervous system freak out vibration today!


Since i cannot do pike with palms flat on the ground, and i am also recovering from a lower back injury, i am taking it very easy on forward bends so i ll leave this for the near future.

However, i am using the exact protocol adapted for side splits. I am on day 3 with the goal of doing side splits without warmup.

I will let you know how this goes.

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