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Hello all,


As well, please find the PDF to take with you for easy reference:


I am in Piacenza today; there were a few hiccups with Vimeo and it is now very late—so there might be a few problems/bugs.

As always, the whole program is available here for you folk for $5; please do not publicise to the world—this is for you all here, as a personal "thank you" for making these Forums what they are.

Update: program is full price now; see my notes below. Please publicise as widely as you can. TIA, K

Link repaired 15/11/2019

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OK, a few notes:

As Nathan (thanks!) mentions above (and HamdiC may jump in to add detail) the full Master The Pike version of the Single Leg Dog Pose is missing. This is why the video is called a "placeholder": as soon as I return to Australia, I can get the raw footage to our editor in Istanbul.

in the meantime, just go to the link Liv posted above, and download the free version from YouTube. We will be putting the real version up as soon as we can, but in the meantime, the YT version has all the essential information. There are many utilities available for downloading from YT, too, if you search.

As well, Vimeo was definitely having a few hiccups this week, and our editor was not able to upload the final recovery pose, 18. L4 Floor rotation; we have no idea why. So I have uploaded a rough cut version from our editing process, to keep you going until this bug can be sorted out.

I felt it was better to get the program up as is, and sort out the wrinkles as we can, rather than ask everyone to wait until January, 2015—because in a week, I will be in Malaysia co-presenting a meditation retreat, and we have literally zero internet access there. And as soon as I do get back to Australia, Liv and I are moving house!

The program is now able to be publicised and links shared wherever you can, please; it is now the full price of $10 (or 8 Euro, now that Vimeo lets us use either currency). Can someone in Europe let me know if you can still see the US dollar price—I think $10 is a bit cheaper than 8 Euro, but I do not know what conversion Vimeo and Paypal will use in the final calculations.

Cheers all, and please let others know about this final program.

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Hope all the vimeo issues are solved by now. The missing Single Leg Dog pose is my fault, working on getting that up ASAP. However, I believe the linked youtube video is essentially the same element, just edited in a different way, but performance of the element is the same. Thanks for everyone's patience on this!

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Thanks very much for this new series. Downloaded it late last night when I first became aware of it (bye-bye to a normal bedtime for yet another night).

Started working though them. We'll be doing the Elephant Walk in tonight's and tomorrow's classes. I think they'll like them very much, its just what they need!

I was intrigued by the effects of fasical massage in video no 17. What is going on? So I took the liberty of doing some frame-grabs of Olivia in the Before and After positions. I inverted the before image (in brightness), and superimposed the second one at 50% transparency (what I often do to compare positions). The resulting difference image shows where the change occurs (grey is no difference, yellow is the original - inverted blue shirt - showing through). The attached image shows that the massage does indeed lead to an increased forward bending of the lower back, starting at the hips. (I moved the top image a hairs' breadth to the left to show the line of the hips around the buttock).

post-1559-0-02828600-1416809723_thumb.jp (click on the image to get a larger verson)

What is the interpretation? How can massaging the back lead to increased hamstring flexibility? As well as the explanation given in the video, I wonder if adhesion in the whole fascial chain running over the back of the body has been released in the mid/upper back, allowing the back fascia to ride down more towards the legs, mechanically allowing a greater forward bend at the hips. It is also interesting that presumably Olivia has been through this process many times previously, yet we see an effect this time too.

As for me, I'd like to try it, but dont have the opportunity to get that back massage in the same way, so will have to devise some sort of self-massage for it. I'm certainly going to experiment with it myself, in different states of warm-up. My hamstrings are a point of tightness which definitely need working on.

Anyway, many thanks indeed for another very stimulating series,


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Jim and Emmet; thanks for your joint inputs. Jim wrote:

What is the interpretation? How can massaging the back lead to increased hamstring flexibility? As well as the explanation give in the video, I wonder if adhesion in the whole fascial chain running over the back of the body has been released in the mid/upper back, allowing the back fascia to ride down more towards the legs, mechanically allowing a greater forward bend at the hips.

I am sure a combination of both these effects are likely to be accurate; I wish someone could try this technique on me! Miss O said that the experience (and this is the guts of the ST approach) in the body is clear and unambiguous: before the release, a feeling of being able to go no further; and after, more movement with exactly the same effort. So, in my view, this is the brain's contribution: on receipt of that proprioceptive information, more movement!

Relaxation of the whole posterior chain is exactly what everyone reports; the effect is definitely not specific to the area worked on. Fascinating, and (to Jim) beautiful visual.

To everyone: the final element (18. L4 Floor rotation) is the full, corrected version now; thanks T.!

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I used the Elephant Walk in both today's and yesterday's classes - in both classes they liked very much - particularly in todays class, where some of them have hamstring issues and find it difficult to address them with the normal stretches. We also did the agonist-antagonist stretch today as well, which went well too. So thank you very much!

Looking at a framegrab of a video, where I was warmed up after a class (but not super-stretched) I thought I'd use it to compare my and Olivias hamstring flexibility (in her case after the back massage, as above). The images are superimposed as before (Olivias has the pixels inverted, her image is flipped horizontally and magnified so the two images have approximately the same size). Its interesting that the two backs have exactly the same curve, which means that we have exactly the same hamstring flexibility. I am chuffed, because Olivia is highly flexible.

post-1559-0-14536700-1416924043_thumb.jp (click on image for larger version)

(Viewing again, I see that I have a slight bend in my legs - the knees are not completely flat on the mat - cant see Olivias though as she has trousers. But I'll leave the image up anyway).

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Vimeo shows 8 Euros.

I saw and paid USD here in Switzerland...

EDIT: Have just quick viewed the series, and tried a few of the stretches. There is no doubt in my mind these Master Series are simply incredible value; beautifully produced and distilling so much experience and insight into clearly and precisely presented exercises.

@Ashley/CptFleas http://www.t-nation.com/training/turkish-get-ups-make-you-awesome although 20kg is a bit a lot for a first time, use DB, and do look at the weight the whole time, not like the guy who demos.

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@SwissDanny: why do you recommend not looking at the weight while doing the TGU (the video you linked to) or were you talking about when using a weight to stretch with?

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@SwissDanny: why do you recommend not looking at the weight while doing the TGU (the video you linked to) or were you talking about when using a weight to stretch with?

My wording was poor, I'm say do look at it the whole time! The guy in the video neither makes the point nor does it in the videos

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