SwissDanny Posted February 21, 2016 Author Posted February 21, 2016 Sat - Rest 5km brisk walk, chilly close to freezing. Sun - Open Gym - typical warm-up incl core tabata and Yuri bands - tabata wall HS hold and air squats and Samson lunges - 5x pistol progressions alt bar MU progressions. Now can do slow up down with bottom hold on right. Left still hit and miss. - 4x single leg GM alt 45s wall HS holds. Bar MU progression much easier if lighten grip on bar. Lightbulb moment. - 4x behinds the neck press alt glute ham raise. Upped press to 25kg strict. - 2x Jefferson curls - 5km brisk walk, 16c sunny. Crazy weather Muscles were hard to get going today. .
SwissDanny Posted February 22, 2016 Author Posted February 22, 2016 Mon - Open Gym - 1200m jog and stations warm up - 400m hard but not flat out 1:25 need to run a bit more - 12' EMOM OHS 40kgx5 - 20kcal row, 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 push ups, 20 wall balls, 10 pullups with 1:1 rest 7:04 total Subsequently I was told it was meant to be an 16' amrap... LOL... like Chuck Norris I got it done in 7'... Another unseasonally pleasant day, got outside for a bit.
SwissDanny Posted February 24, 2016 Author Posted February 24, 2016 Tue - PreClass and CF - 1000m row. standard hip and shoulder warm up then - alternated HS foot pulls off wall with pistol progressions - standard box warm including core tabata - tabata wall HS holds and ring dips/strict pull ups - clean ladder, 5x 30s to attempt EMOM, failed 80kg - partner amrap 100 du, 50 ttb, 50 burpees 8' Wed - Easy Open Gym - 25 cal assault bike, short warm up - alternated ascending ladder power back squat x10 adding 10kg with 6 rounds 40-90kg - ascending ladder behind the neck press x8 adding c1-2.5kg 6 rounds 15-30kg. - 3x10 LR SLGM 24kg, 90/90 piriformis.
SwissDanny Posted February 25, 2016 Author Posted February 25, 2016 Thu - Preclass and CF - 500 row 500 ski shoulders and hips - wall flirtations alt pistol progressions - box warm up incl bodyline - tabata DU and ring support - bear complex* warm up and 2 rep max. 65, 95, 115, 135lbs. 165lbs fail as can't safely back rack - 6' amrap 2 bear complex 95lbs 10 burpee 4+2 - 4' break - 3' amrap 10 wall ball 10 24kg KBS 3+3 * power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press = 1
SwissDanny Posted February 27, 2016 Author Posted February 27, 2016 Fri - Rest Sat - CF Open 16.1 - 10' bike, ski, erg, hips and shoulders, warm up movements - amrap 20' 25' overhead walking lunge 95lbs , 8 bar facing burpees, 25' overhead walking lunge 95lbs, 8 chest to bar pullups 5+12 reps Happy with that, expected 5 rounds, would have been delighted with 6. Lunges were way easier than expected, esp keeping weight locked overhead, and not too much quad burn, good glute recruitment. HS holds and pistol practise defo paid off. 1
SwissDanny Posted February 29, 2016 Author Posted February 29, 2016 Sun - Rest Mon - Virgin Active Cape Town - 10' cardio machines, bodyline tabata - Circuit class 10 EMOM 4 squat jumps, 4 push ups, 4 frog climbers, 4 vups - + 10 EMOM 8 jump lunges, 8 elbow plank knees, 8 plank leg unders, 8 plank opposite toe touches - + tabata of stupid exercises like bosu ball mountain climbers and kettle bell swing but with a log - Back squats rep vs weigh pyramid to 80kg - Yin Yoga class - Behind the neck press rep vs weight pyramid to 40kg. New 10kg 1RM. I think something is clicking (other than my shoulders) with this movement - 3x c.4m monkey bar crossings including 2 bar climb and descent. Never tried these fun.
SwissDanny Posted March 2, 2016 Author Posted March 2, 2016 Tue - Virgin Active - 1000m row, bodyline tabata - DL ascending weight, descending reps pyramid to 160kg - Circuit class. 30'. KB snatch, weighted lunge complex, crawls, jump squat from knees, and some twisty press things. - Slow Vinyasa Yoga. Havent done for about a year, was very pleased with improved ease on many poses eg triangle - KB meddly. TGU, Windmills, a few HS holds, monkey bar crossing, some TTB Wed - Golf 9 Holes
SwissDanny Posted March 4, 2016 Author Posted March 4, 2016 Thu - Virgin Active - 1000m row, bodyline tabata, beat swings, scap pullups - Pistol and HS technique - Behind neck press 10,15,20x10, 25x8, 30x6, 35x4, 40x1 - FS 40x10, 60x8, 80x6 then BS 5x5 @100kg - Pump style class - 2000m row very easy, monkey bar crossing x1 - getting easier, added a turn around at the end today.
Kit_L Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 SD, I missed this; you wrote: I think the behind the neck presses could be really useful. I'm so weak on that movement. 15kg really feels gnarly. May I respectfully suggest that you don't do these? The will feel gnarly if the chest/anterior delt./pec.minor/thoracic extension complex is tight; and in my experience, the anterior shoulder capsule is at risk if this is the sensation. Many people have hurt their shoulders trying to do this with weights that are commensurable with the rest of their lifts. When that whole area is loose enough, and you can really get your strength properly underneath the weight, it will feel completely different. Until then, a closer elbow position (like a military press) will allow you to get under the weight and allow you to position the humerus/shoulder in their strongest positions (and much less likely to be injured). What I am trying to say is that the press behind the neck is not (IMO) an efficient or safe way to get the required ROM. 1
SwissDanny Posted March 6, 2016 Author Posted March 6, 2016 @Kit. Thank you for this. Which I'm just seeing. I agree it is a movement to be addressed with extreme mindfulness, but is also one I need to "pre-hab" given we often do eg bear complex or snatch balances.The regular gym I've been visiting here in Cape Town has those preloaded straight curl bars which forced me to a narrower grip which does indeed feel better now I got used to it.The difference between doing it right and wrong is as you say night and day, and I feel I have been able to learn a new way of recruiting in a very short time and the gnarly experience has disappeared in favor of a movement I feel in my lats in a way I don't feel in pull ups, rows, strict press etc where my shoulders go up and then my traps tend to dominate. Not sure if my anatomy is correct but that's the feelingI shall video for a form check.
SwissDanny Posted March 6, 2016 Author Posted March 6, 2016 Fri - Plan warm up and strategy for Crossfit Open 16.2 which is- 4' to complete 25 toes to bar, 50 double unders, 15 full clean 135lbs- If complete same again with 185lbs clean etc. Felt confident.Sat - Open 16.2- Got to cleans in 2'. Got 10 cleans done in remaining time, too slow.- A bit annoyed, goal was to have a go at 185 bar. Redo on Monday. Going to have to dig very deep though - PM 9 holes golf.Sun - Virgin- Yoga. Wow I'm so much better at this than last time I tried, down dog can actually be relaxing!- Behind the neck press 10,8,6,4 20->35kg, DB biceps curl 12, 10, 8 12->16kg- 25 mins treadmill walk 10 degrees avg incline- Additional ST leg and hip flexor stretching. 1
SwissDanny Posted March 7, 2016 Author Posted March 7, 2016 Mon - Open 16.2 Redo - Got to cleans 18s faster in 1:42, but toes to bar are still too slow, too much swinging not enough kipping - The cleans felt a lot faster but were only a bit faster, 11.5s vs 12s cycle, but not enough of an improvement either - 30 power clean and push press at the same weight I can do in 5', ie a 10s cycle... so also learned something about my squat clean efficiency, overall improved 2 reps. That's the fun thing about this crazy annual event, even if you are only 28,000th in a workout, you still learn something along the way. 1
SwissDanny Posted March 8, 2016 Author Posted March 8, 2016 Tue - Virgin Active - 1000m row, worlds greatest stretch, bodyline - 30' Grid class. Bodyweight intervals - 60' Vinyasa yoga. Focus core and leg balances, was fun - 12,10, 8 alternating bicep curls 12,14,16kg alternating 10 LR SLDL 24,28,32kg - 3 rounds wall drills (away and facing) alternating monkey bar traverse 4m
Emmet Louis Posted March 8, 2016 Posted March 8, 2016 Getting those curls in while not in the cf box 2
SwissDanny Posted March 8, 2016 Author Posted March 8, 2016 Hehe. Only doing them cause of your hypothesis... and I'm careful to neutralize them with non globo s**t I have a buddy who does them at them box thus; bottom of goblet squat, then curl KB between knees... 1
SwissDanny Posted March 9, 2016 Author Posted March 9, 2016 Wed - MOB Athletic - Dynamic warm up - 20' c.5 rounds. Bicep curls bilateral (!) x10 15kg, chin grip supine bb rows with 2s hold x10 alternating partner hamstring curls slow x5, raised foot bridge with 2s hold x10 - 20' amrap 400m 2xCindy rounds. 4+400m+7reps Non affiliated CF-style facility. Good folks, good coaching.
SwissDanny Posted March 14, 2016 Author Posted March 14, 2016 Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon - Work, travel and "airline" cold enforced rest. Sun, played around with bar muscle ups, as these are required for CF Open 16.3. Not happening yet, so today will video my 10x 35kg snatches an move on. Hopefully feel better tomorrow. Meh.
SwissDanny Posted March 18, 2016 Author Posted March 18, 2016 Mon to Fri - Cold turned nasty, not feeling like doing anything until today, and even then nothing that was going to get me breathing hard.
SwissDanny Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 Sat - Lovely spring day, nice walk. Feeling 90% again. Sun - Open Gym - 1600m jog with warm up exercises every 200m or so - Behind the neck press 10x then OHS 5x alternating biceps curls x10LR - Snatch balance 5x then DB rotations - Wall ball technique and rowing technique for 16.4 tomorrow evening. Easy session. Back to 95%, no coughing but lungs still clearing.
SwissDanny Posted March 21, 2016 Author Posted March 21, 2016 Mon - Crossfit 16.4 - 13' amrap 55 DL 102kg, 55 wall ball 20lbs/10', 55 cal row, 55 HeSPU Since I cant do HeSPU aimed to get best split after the row. 9:40, which is a solid time especially as I was being very conservative on the HR and breathing due to this being first real cardio workout in 12 days. Was very happy that the DL I only felt in the glutes and hammies; there will be a lot of people with very sore backs out there as the rep scheme is a bit "CrossFit" to say the least. PS Seems someone was taking some sneaky videos. First rule of CrossFit and all...
SwissDanny Posted March 27, 2016 Author Posted March 27, 2016 Tue - long flight to California happy my legs didn't seize up too much Wed, Thu - hotel gym this and that plus some long walks along Pacific coast Fri - CF Open 16.5. 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 Thruster 43kg Burpees over bar. 22:08. 2' improvement over same thing in 2014. Sat - long walk and hotel gym, arms without overhead press and spin on bike 1
SwissDanny Posted April 5, 2016 Author Posted April 5, 2016 Sun - Rest Mon, Tue, Wed - Hotel gym Thu, Fri - Rest incl long walks Sat, Sun, Mon - Hotel gym Flying home overnight, back to more normal schedule soon.
Rik Posted April 5, 2016 Posted April 5, 2016 Sun - Rest Mon, Tue, Wed - Hotel gym Thu, Fri - Rest incl long walks Sat, Sun, Mon - Hotel gym Flying home overnight, back to more normal schedule soon. Bergamo next weekend, right?
SwissDanny Posted April 7, 2016 Author Posted April 7, 2016 @Phi mid-April seems to have arrived with alarming speed, I havent organised it. Did you attend the NL seminar? Tue- Travel Wed - CF - 4x legless rope progressions (off floor) - 5x skin the cat progressions (feet on floor but no jump) - WoD 3RFT 10 thrusters 75#, 20 wall ball 9'/20#, 10 kbs russian 24kg. 10:20. Thu - Program - 2000m row 8' easy c.2:10 -> hardish c.1:50 - new program daily drills (45/30/30s on stances - gentle start) - new program lower mobility (truncated - started too late...) Looking forward to getting back into a focussed program!
Rik Posted April 7, 2016 Posted April 7, 2016 @Phi mid-April seems to have arrived with alarming speed, I havent organised it. Did you attend the NL seminar? Yeah, I went to the Nijmegen one. Yuri has a ton of things to share on a ton of topics, really awesome. If you know Kit's work it really connects the dots in a lot of things Yuri says, things make a lot of sense. He's very open to questions as well, and there's lot's of time to play around with things. Would definitely recommend. 1
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