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Swiss Danny Workout Log


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OK, so here is part 2 of the review, moving onto second target.  Pistol squats.  I have included pike and leg raise progress as related items.


Right pistol is much improved https://www.coachseye.com/v/2NNv https://www.coachseye.com/v/DtbE  Still need a counterweight, but I think my mobility might allow me to grab the foot now, will try. Left pistol remains a struggle https://www.coachseye.com/v/kvMV  I think I need to spend more time in the bottom.  My left ankle is more mobile so this shouldnt be the problem it is.  Neither is helped by my tendency to go ass to grass and lose tension at the bottom.


EDIT: Played around with the progressions in this recently referenced Steve Maxwell article, feel these will help a lot, they target exactly what I dont do http://maxwellsc.com/blog.cfm?blogID=60


Standing and sitting pike https://www.coachseye.com/v/bISF https://www.coachseye.com/v/sduv  Current picture was not a "good" day, so clear improvement 3-4 inches of reach, and I think a lot more hip tilt.  Leg raise. Not much improvement in leg height, but then again leg is now much straighter at the same angle and I think there's less cheating going on. https://www.coachseye.com/v/J67o


Still to come will be the ring based work, and handstand progressions, and then I will move onto some thoughts and conclusions.

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Mon - Open Gym
- Usual warm up. It's a good warm up.
- Handstand drills. See below.
- 24' amrap. 100kcal row, 50 wall ball, 25 box jump, 25 chest to bar pull ups and back to row via BJ and WB. 35kcal short of a round.

This is a good WoD to prep for some hip and quad stretching!

Handstand progress. https://www.coachseye.com/v/DeHX I feel this is the one area where solo work without a spotter has slowed things down, but a lot of groundwork laid.  Pressing strength and recruitment remains a topic that needs addressing, I covered that issue in a post the other week.

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Tue - Rest

Wed - CF


- regular warm up, the get lifts up to 90pct


- box standard warm up

- 3' Cindy with C2B pull ups

- Crossfit Football Total. 6' to 1RM bench, power clean, back squat, DL. 95,80,130,165. Basically equalled PR in each lift.

- 2' amrap barbell thrusters. Steady pace 32 reps.

Fairly happy with that as haven't done any max singles for 9 months now. Found the clean didn't sit well with the powerlifts, hard to be explosive. Pleased got in way early to warm up the lifts as allowed me to treat as personal mini-comp, not rushed 3 max 4 lifts per segment.

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Thu - CF

- box standard warm up

- three pull progression, snatch balance, drop snatch

- snatch complex 1. High hang power, hang power, hang squat

- snatch complex 2. Drop snatch, OHS with 3" pause x2

- WoD amrap 10' 15 hang power snatch 40kg, 15 burpees. 3+5.

A bit like the HSPU, no pressing ability in the snatch balance, shoulders feel endangered.

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Fri - Active Rest

- played around with bar muscle up progressions using a push press style jump of a box, alternating

- behind the neck snatch grip presses 10kgx12, 11.5kgx10, 13kgx8

- scalenes/trap stretch, modified the ST version to be banded


Traps and hammies were stiff after yesterday, which is a good thing as normally lots of hang snatches would have got me in the lower back which I felt neither during nor after.


Happy with the muscle up progressions, I realized that flicking my wrists over was a good cue.  Was clearing a 6' bar 80% of the time by the end of the session.


I think the behind the neck presses could be really useful.  I'm so weak on that movement. 15kg really feels gnarly.

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Sat - Open Gym

- Warm up.  1600m jog with 100m mini stations x8 squat, lunge, bear crawl etc. Balmy 8c but sunny. Lovely.

- Front squat 4x5 95,145, 165, 185lbs, then EMOM 10' 4x145lbs

- Good mornings 4x8 145, 145, 165, 185lbs

- 5x Pistol progressions alternating snatch grip behind the neck press

- 3x5 Jefferson curl 24kg.  Super slow with some pulsing at the bottom of each rep.


Pistol progressions were i) super slow and controlled from top and ii) move from squat to pistol then do 5x pulses.  Latter needed another c.1cm fractional plate under heels on top of lifters, but I think are a very good exercise.


For the slow pistols I tried Carl Paoli idea of allowing torso to lead the movement, keeping gaze neutral (ie almost looking down at the bottom) rather than trying to keep chest tall and gaze forward.  This was very helpful I found.

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Sun - Open Gym

- Warm up.  500m row, Yuri bands, dislocates

- Yuri handstand alignment tests and drills, pleasantly surprised at progress

- 3x 8 ring press ups alternating 12 false grip ring row

- 60s back to wall hold, 3x back to wall "flirtations" ie press finger tips to lift heels release to drift back to wall

- 500m power warm up.  500m row time trial 1:33.7 went out a bit cautiously, but could feel yesterday's front squats

- 5x 5 OHS 40kg alternating 5 bar MU progressions


Yuri's handstand tutorial e-book really is worth its 15usd http://www.yuri-mar.com/products/balancing-the-equationpdf-ebook.  I see he's in Bergamo in April, just 3 hours drive for me, I may look into joining that.

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Mon - CF

- 5 mins Assault bike, Dan's pre CF standard limbering

- Standard box warm up

- Tabata wall ball alternating wall HS holds

- Power snatch technique, then 8' to build to heavy hang single (57kg) and power single (57kg)

- WoD Jeremy 21,15,9 OHS 95lbs, Burpee. 9:38.  First time Rx weight. 

- 3' break then 1' max DU 68.


Tough session after all the squatting of last few days.

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I've done two workshops with Yuri, too (as well as playing around with him when he was assisting at a number of my workshops); he is an excellent teacher.

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That's glowing string of endorsements then.... will get it sorted!  I think I have laid some solid groundwork on alignment and inverted strength and can hover for a couple of seconds on a good day so the timing could be good, plus a good focus for next 2.5 months.

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Tue - 90' PT Session with Head Coach

- Handstand skills

- Ring MU transition skills.

Some great feedback on Lat recruitment and some very good "flirtation" exercises. Mobility goals and focus for next while clear too.

Tue - CF

- box warm up

- max wall hold 60s

- 16 ring pull ups, 16 ring MU transitions, 20 ring dips 4' per station to complete did EMOM more or less

- clean and jerk tech then 6' to find heavy single 80kg

- WoD "Grace" 30x CnJ 135lbs. 5'10. Power clean push jerk.

And now for two days off...

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Wed - Rest

Thu - Random Stuff at Jane's Gym

- 1000m row, SL GMs

- 40x10, 60x8, 80x6 backsquat

- 4x4 100kg backsquat alternating 6-8 DB bicep curls ascending

- Lsit hangs, hip extension, few pull ups, behind neck snatch grip press 20kg 3x8

- Glute "horse kick" machine hold and slow negatives 20, 40, 60kg x6LR

- Leg press 120, 140, 160x8, 180x6, 200x3

Haven't used a leg press for years...

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Sat - Open Gym

- Row and further GH activation, including 3 positions clean drills

- Warm up weights for WoD  CF Open 14.3, an 8' ladder of increasing reps and weights DL alternating 15 box jumps. 10@135lbs, 15@185lbs, 20@225lbs, 25@275lbs.

- Followed by some QL stretching...


Looking at the matrix for the week only really left deadlifting/hinge uncovered.

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Sun - Open Gym

- Row and standard warm up

- Tabata HS hold alt Pistol bottom hold

- Technique pistol progressions alternating HS progressions

- WoD "Flight Simulator" DU progression to 25 UB. 2:20

- EMOM 10' OHS 95lbs x5

- WoD 6 rounds. One arm KB Waiter carry 24kg 10m LR, 20s hollow hold, farmer carry 150kg 20m, 20s straight arm plank 13:58

A nice CNS and mid-line basher to finish with.

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Mon - Rest


Lower back was tight but not sore after all the DL and farmer carries.


Tue - Open Gym

- 500m row, hips and shoulders, bodyline tabata

- tabata air squats alternating wall facing HS holds

- 2x half tabata bottom of pistols alternating, rest in bottom of squat and move to pistol from bottom

- 5x wall flirtations alternating slow pistols, rest as needed, focus on form not volume

- 5x kick up to free standing play arounds.  new record, of lets call it "feet not on ground"

- 3x sets snatch grip behind the neck press, then 2x sets strict snatch balance (ie bar stay put you go down)

- 6x row 500m, 3' rest.  5@1:44-1:45, 1@1:38 pace "very hard" but not flat out.


Good session.

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Wed - Open Gym

- 500m row, 500m ski, hips and shoulders

- accumulate 3' wall HS hold in as few sets as possible 60, 40x3 resting as needed

- altnerate with pistol bottom holds

- full clean technique 1.1.1 ascending to 3 sets at 70kg, focus full extension and fast under

- CF Open 14.4.  14' to complete 60kcal row, 50 toes to bar, 40 wall ball, 30 cleans 135lbs etc.  Completed 20 cleans steady pace throughout

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Thu - CF

- regular warm up, muscle up transitions technique

- full clean tech and 6' to find heavy squat clean thruster 95, 145, 156, 165lbs, narrow fail 185lbs

- Open 14.5 = 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 thruster, burpee.  15:10.


Stayed at 30kg because this is brutal Rx 95lbs and legs already mashed, focussed on pacing, rep scheme, breathing technique.

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