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Tue - CF

- Bodyline, Skipping

- Tabata Wallball Alt HS hold

- 3x3 Hang power snatch. Tech 105lbs

- WoD 5x90s on 90s off amrap 20 Double unders 10 HPS 75lbs. 150 reps

- Burner 2 min Burpee 20 reps

Breathing much easier today although not 100% Felt the benefits of my week off today although had to drag myself along.


Wed - Rest with some shoulder focused ST

Thu - CF

- Holiday Partner WoD. 2x21...3 (168 reps) Clean 95lbs DU DL 185lbs BJ 30s HS Hold 33:42

Integrated the banded elbow stretch (above) into my pre-class mobility as well as some single arm ring hangs (pecs) and double arm hangs (lats). Was really able to lock out elbows and stack the wall holds despite being gassed.

Happy New Year!


Fri - Program

500m row, yuri bands, five-way bodyline

5x 5 wide grip pull up, 5 slow ring push up

4x 3 military press 45kg, 5 bar dips

3x 10 elbow rotations 10kg, 20s floor Lsit with heels down

2x 20 wall runs, 20s max knee tuck hang

500m row.


Lats a bit sore from mid back up, which I take to mean I was using them more than usual yesterday aka a good thing.


I like both those mobility/stretching drills, SD. Very nice, especially the front rack one. And when you can get both elbows that high, then resting the bar on the delts is natural. Happy New Year to you, too.

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Sat - Hinge, hamstrings glutes focus

Row, Ski, Yuri band, SARH (single arm ring hangs), goblet squat hips

5x 5 Slow OHS 95-115lbs alternating 2RL skater squats for glute activation 

5x 5 Pistol to bench progressions

5x 6 GH Raises alternating 8 GH Sit ups (just past horizontal), between sets more SARH and DARH really getting into pecs.

3x10+10s Jefferson curl 16, 20, 24kg.


OHS squat felt super solid despite having done lots of straight arm pressing in last few days.  My current Rx of mobilizations for this sort of position is definitely opening up new RoM and sensations.


Mon - CF

- 1000m row, bodyline tabata

- tabata double under alternating ring support

- tabata wall HS hold alternating strict pull ups

- amrap 8' 10 DL 90kg 6 HSPU negatives 3 rounds

- 3 rtf 30 wall ball, 30 DU 8:20

Like the bunny without Duracell by the end of the first WoD, probably since I've cut a lot of carbs, and am running 1000kcal deficit for a week now to get rid of the xmas excess. Which made the wall balls a slog. But really happy with the bodyweight stuff.

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Tue - Open Gym

- row 500, ski 500, Yuri bands, goblet squat hips

- 3x 5 BS185lbs alt 5 bench press 145lbs

- 3x 10RL SLDL alt ring beat swing x5 and rings to belly

- 5x RL pistol progressions

- 3x 5 GH raises alt 6 GH sit-ups alt 10RL rotations

Heavy legs after yesterday, esp quads that wall balls always kill.

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Wed - Rest with a decent amount ST TV viewing

Thu - CF

- Shoulder and hips mob, Bodyline incl beat swings

- Tabata toes to bar alternating OHS 45lbs

- 2 Rounds 45s on 15s off. HS wall hold, ring support, double unders

- 8' EMOM power snatch complex. High hang, hang, full. 95lbs

- WoD 21,15,9. OHS 95lbs and Burpees

Another Duracell-less WoD but otherwise a decent session.


Fri - Bro in law new year fitness challenge (day 5)!

20 Squats (with toe touch to start)

50 Reverse crunches

100 Knees up 2 count

50 Bodybuilders (8 count Burpee)

75 Knees up

100 Mountain climbers 2 count

50 Reverse crunches

20 Squats

26mins. Energy was good though.

Bro in law is an out of shape taekwando/kick boxing aficionado. Kept him some virtual company with his new year resolution!

Then some ST and a few KB windmills 3x3RL 12 16 20kg.

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Sat - Hinge

- Ski 500m, TGU and KB windmill warm ups

- 5x 10 Good morning alt Hanging L-Sit progressions

- 5x 8RL SLDL 24kg alt 5 Assisted CTB pullup with 3s hold

- 3x 8 Jefferson curl 24kg alt 8RL Shoulder rotations 10kg

- 5x One arm KB Strict press then 10m waiter carry 24kg LR

- Annie 50, 40,30, 20 ,10 Double unders alt Situps 7:40.


Assisted CTB progression was this one, except getting the bar closer to nipple level, which I found very good and will incorporate. https://youtu.be/Hj5r5EwIJd0?t=123

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Sun - Rest


Mon - Open Gym

- Row 1000m, dynamic warm up focus hamstring, glute activation

- 5x5 DL 305lb

- 5x 5x Pistol progression LR alt 8x Assisted CTB pullups

- 5x 5x Strict press 40/45kg alt SLDL 5x 24kg LR

- 5x 6x GH raises, 6x GHD situps

- Accumulate 5mins hanging cobra.


First time going heavier on DL for ages, this is about 85% of old 1RM but felt fairly easy.  Strict press are as frustrating as ever, but recent bodyline and shoulder work helping.

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Great Danny! Did you integrate the single leg deadlift for flexibility reasons or is this part of your strength work? Just asking because I recently put them back into my plan and they seem to help a lot now (not so much at an earlier stage though). Even unweighted this is a very nice stretch.

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@markus Emmet got me doing them. For me it's about recruitment of hams and glutes as well as improving hip angle.

I really focus on keeping hips level, keeping a long torso, minimal but some knee bend, and really coming up using hams and glutes. For the longest home I just stuck at 20kg KB, but am increasing that slowly now. I like the unilateral aspect because it feels like my left and right legs function very differently.

Tue - CF

- Body-line

- Tabata Wallball alt HS wall hold

- 3x 20s ring beat swing with ring row every 2/3 swings

- 6x 3 Clean DL TnG 185lbs each 20s. Took it easy after yesterday heavy DL

- FT 60 DU, 4 rounds 6 DL, 6 hang clean, 6 shoulder to overhead, 60 DU 5:02 95lbs

- Row 500m FT 1:42. Went out way too slow.

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Sounds good! I'm doing them without weight right now, gives a good stretch. Might add some weight later on and see how it goes.


Sounds good! I'm doing them without weight right now, gives a good stretch. Might add some weight later on and see how it goes.

Try with a weight that doesn't require much effort but is heavy enough to force a bit of bracing, l find it amplifies the sensations I'm after. Like for Jefferson curl, doing them empty is basically a different exercise. See which you prefer.

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Wed - Rest


Thu - Open Gym

- Ski, row, air bike, yuri bands, goblet squats

- 5x 5 OHS (ladder 65..115lbs) alt 6 pullups

- 5x 8RL SLDL 24kg alt 8 assisted C2B, focus hit bar hard

- 5x 5RL pistol progressions

- 5x 6 GH raise, 8 GH situps from just below horizontal.


Not very inspired today, but OK in the end.  Need to mix it up a bit to keep things fresh.

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I know those feels, sometimes just getting to the gym is a win let alone accomplishing anything while you're there. But the more consistent you are the more chances you have of having an awesome session.


(Or as Dan John says, "They can't all be gems.")

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I know those feels, sometimes just getting to the gym is a win let alone accomplishing anything while you're there. But the more consistent you are the more chances you have of having an awesome session.


(Or as Dan John says, "They can't all be gems.")

There must some alchemy going on since as you posted this I was by chance reading http://danjohn.net/2015/12/pat-and-phil-explain-how-to-succeed-in-2016-without-really-trying/

Thanks for the encouragement!

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Fri - CF

- Core tabata, banded squat activation

- Tabata ring support alt double under

- 3x3 HSPU negatives

- 5x1 power snatch complex high hang, hang, full 40kg

- CF 14.1 amrap 10' 30 DU 15 power snatch 35kg. 180 reps

I have absolutely no feeling of leverage or tension to press up for the HSPU bottom. Still looking for the right way to develop this... progressive RoM perhaps.

Sat - Rest


I have absolutely no feeling of leverage or tension to press up for the HSPU bottom. Still looking for the right way to develop this... progressive RoM perhaps.

I had this problem too. Telling myself "stop being such a goddamn weenie and push like you're actually trying" worked well enough.

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Ha ha. SwissWeenie.... LoL. But this isn't Reddit... But seriously it's not like grinding out a squat it's like a deadlift that won't come off the floor. Just pinned down... I think the progressive increase in RoM with Emmets suggestion to face wall (presumably to help keep hollow) is the way to go...


Ha ha. SwissWeenie.... LoL. But this isn't Reddit... But seriously it's not like grinding out a squat it's like a deadlift that won't come off the floor. Just pinned down... I think the progressive increase in RoM with Emmets suggestion to face wall (presumably to help keep hollow) is the way to go...

I didn't mean to imply you were a weenie, just sharing what worked for me. It's literally what I told myself, and it helped me get over that feeling of having no leverage. Of course Emmet knows a lot more and better than I do, but it's something to keep in mind.

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