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Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru! ×
Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru!

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Sat - Squat, Sumo DL. Business as usual.

Sun - Press, Close Grip Bench. Definitely feeling more powerful and connected on these presses. 52.5kgx5 strict press, so a theoretical new max.


Mon - DL, FS. Added a 1x155kg "joker" set.

Wondered if I was getting a cold this am, so didnt have big hopes, but the DL felt really solid so threw in a heavy single joker set 155kg which seemed pretty effortless.

Decided to clean my FS on the platform. A petite lady comes in and sets up on the middle of the regular floor, starts power snatching 20kg slamming the bar down, then 40kg (slamming the 10s too) then 50kg... she obviously knows what she is doing so I offer her the platform that I dont need anyway. She compliments my form (then gives me a cue for the next set LOL), turns out she runs an Oly club in town, and is a European Masters champion.  I will go and check it out.

Oh yes... I guesse right she was Russian... slamming reminded me of 


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Tue - Bench and Incline Bench. 3x80kg, probably had a couple more but the safeties were set barely low enough and distracted me.

End of week three. Bumping up all lifts 2.5kg except DL 5kg as it felt so solid. Press will be getting into real rep max PR territory next week, I think this weeks may have been a 5RM. Bench is about 10kg off still, but Im doing them pretty slow with a definite pause at the bottom. Squat taking it slowly.


Wed - 40 mins spinning, steady hard. Nice bike with crank meter and nice fine tuning, and virtual roads.

Thu - Press and Bench. Latter done close-ish grip.  5x55kg a 7.5kg 5RM, and just 2.5kg off 1RM :) and feeling really solid.

It's "Mrowvember" at the gym (spin off of the mustache thingy). 1k row, 3:45, not flat out but 15s faster than my usual 1k 4:05 warm up. 


Sat - Rest.

Sun - Bench and Arnold Press. Accidentally loaded up an extra 10kg for my 1+ set, so was pleased to grind through the third rep, and therefore an accidental 3RM.

This definitely seems to be an upper body protocol that is working for me just now. Form is coming on too, and holding better at heavier/last reps, plus it's my back feeling worked after press day (that said I am supersetting  rows, chins etc)


Mon - DL, FS

1+ set was 145kg. Was flying up so did 8 reps, so will up +5kg training max to 155kg, which is getting into real heavy territory for me. Good stuff. FS on the other hand I backed down to 60kg for the volume 3,5,7,4,6,8 progression, which is a fun one. Other TMs all up 2.5kg.

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Tue, Wed - Travel and other commitments

Thu - Strict Press, Close Grip Bench.  2x57.5kg, equalling previous 1RM for 2 reps. Despite not a very good warm up, I tried to shorten it, which worked nicely on DL, but needed more reps to dial in form.


Fri - Squat, Sumo DL. Repeated 120x3 but much more solid. Video'd form checked the last Sumo DL set, very pleased even if saying so myself.

Sat - Bench, Arnold Press. Managed to load the bar correctly this week 1+ set 85kgx5. Doing lots of pulling to offset the pressing, incl adding back some pull ups.

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Sun - DL and FS.  150kg x 4. Went for a heavy single after my FS sets, narrow technical fail at 90kg, lost a bit of tension and lost it forward.

Happy with that as had been thinking of a day off today, but went anyway as the weather here is miserable, nothing else to do.

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Wed - Squat, Sumo DL. Stuck at last weeks weights for the 1+ set, but this time the reps were really solid and feeling more comfortable under the load.

I might add in some overweight holds as a core accessory lift.  Just to get used to the heavier weights on the shoulders again.  Also work towards a low bar hold, played around with that on the warm up sets, and I think my shoulders are up to it now.

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Thu - Bench and Close Grip Bench. 3x90kg felt solid. 

Fri - Deadlift and FS. 5x155kg. 

End of week six.  Will increase TM's for Bench, Squat (2.5kg each) and DL (5kg). Wasnt sure where this was going when set out, but thinking of getting this to the 1,2,3,4 plates benchmarks, but for a double say.  Have dug out the lifting belt (for squats and maybe presses) as things are starting to get heavy.

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Sat- 30 mins spinning, gym has some nice new bikes with workouts with scenery etc, and watt meter.

Sun - Rest

Mon - Press, Incline Bench. 57.0kg x2.  I have dug  out the fractional plates too.

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Tue - BS, Sumo DL.  3x125kg BS, getting back into heaviest rep max territory, although my all time 3RM is 135kg.  Sumo DL felt easy.

Also got out the knee sleeves, whose main advantage I feel is to keep them toasty (inevitably sweaty and smelly too :o), but not really getting on with the weight-belt so may put that away again.

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Thu - DL, FS. 5x160kg new RM PR. Fairly flew up, have been focussing on a few setup cues, plus a bit more speed (not haste) off the floor.

Didnt get enough quality sleep last night, otherwise might have been tempted by some heavier joker sets.

That is the end of week seven already. Now all four lifts have training maxes pretty much at the level of my current 1RMs. Going to bump up DL 5kg, BS and Bench 2.5kg, but leave Press as is, maybe even back off 2.5kg. 

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Fri - Rest

Sat - Press, Incline Bench. Steady weights but solid session. Upped the volume of assistance pull ups to 7x4 EMOM

Threw in some rack holds, working on low bar setup, then moved to 30s overload high bar holds to get a bit more confidence at really heavy weights. Respect for anyone who is actually prepared to descend under 180kg or more...

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Mon - Bench, Press. 92.5x2. Was meant to close grip bench too, but decided to swap out strict press.

Was going to take a days rest, but for logistics reasons needed to get out of the house.  Bit of a grind.

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Tue - Rest

I dug out the TENS machine to massage my quads for 45mins.  I was trying out some "sissy squats" on Sun... TIL this name is /s.

Wed - DL, FS

165x4, there was probably a fifth in there, this is previous 3RM. FS felt reasonably solid after feeling like a today grind the last few weeks.

End of another week.  Moved TM for BS and DL up 2.5kg, but actually decided to reduce BP and OHP 10% for a first deload.  I also moved back to the five day variant, where the fifth day is dynamic BP and OHP as I felt this aggressive drive off the chest/shoulders is helping the lift.

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Thu - Bench/Press. Volume day, focused on aggressive drive, strict doesnt have to be slow.

Fri - BS/Sumo DL. 130x3 BS felt solid. For the first time ever I was aware of my glutes really firing on a BS.

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Sat - Press and Incline BP.  Nice to reset on the press.

Sun - Spinning 60'

Mon - DL, FS. DL167.5x3 new 3RM, FS definitely ready to start upping the weight on these.


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Tue - Bench, CG Bench.  Reset weights.

Really no ambition to take bench above 100kg once I get there, its really not a move that gives me much enjoyment. Played around with 3RM on accessories. DB Row 50kg, tricep pushdown 35kg, and wide grip strict lat pull down 90kg.  These have moved on lots.

Long weekend away coming up so definitely going to take a few days off now.

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Wed - 45' on the indoor bike.

Thu, Fri, Sat - Rest.

Decided to run a little peaking cycle ahead of my year end total attempt.  After a bit of research, will try this formula 5x3@85% (of latest TM), with the plan to move on to 6x2@90% and 9x1@95%, with the idea of getting lots of reps heavy work with nevertheless a focus on technique.

Sun - Press 5x3 50 (85%), Bench 5x3 80 (85.0%)


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