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Thu - Gym

  • Lower Squat. Got back to 100x8, then a heavy single at 110 just to feel it out. Got under 120 but decided to leave it for another day.

In the morning I did a long limbering session with the ST wall piriformis stretch, I think this "regression" has been very helpful.  Some more Gua Sha too.



  • Like 1
3 hours ago, SwissDanny said:

In the morning I did a long limbering session with the ST wall piriformis stretch, I think this "regression" has been very helpful.

Perhaps I am simply still too tight to take full advantage of the advanced piriformis stretch, but the wall version gives me something that the advanced does not. After getting set up, by gently pushing the crossed leg down (toward the wall) and out (away from the hip) I can release a lot of tension on the outside of the leg (probably originating at the TFL) which takes pressure off of the knee and allows me to actually target the piriformis better. I can achieve this with the firelog pose as I relax and close the gap between the legs as well, but the adv. piri setup secures the working leg in place, which makes it very hard to get the same effect.

3 minutes ago, Nathan said:

Perhaps I am simply still too tight to take full advantage of the advanced piriformis stretch, 

Same here, I would normally do the seated version.  As you say in the lying version it is very easy to play with a lot of hip variables, rotation, flexion, adduction etc. and much harder to cheat with the lower back as the hips are grounded. Im not sure it targets the piriformis as well, but allowed me to really move the hip joint around.  It's also easy to hold for ages.


I'm out of likes ;) But yes, I agree! I think because you can manipulate so many variables, it can be more difficult to single out the piriformis (adv. achieves this better) though it is still possible. But when I have time/inclination, I will loosen up the whole area with the wall version and then move on to adv. to try to focus specifically on the piriformis.

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On 28/12/2016 at 0:54 AM, SwissDanny said:

@Frederik's blog post on Gua Sha http://theharmoniousbody.com/index.php/2016/12/27/the-creaky-knee/ reminded me this technique, which I have some good experience of in the past, might be worth applying to my very gnarly right quad.  My PT wants me to work on surface adhesions, and I think this will achieve similar without the difficult task of pinch/rolling skin on the top of my thigh. I have found a blunt letter opener whose broad blunt edge should do the trick...

I am sure it will.

I love how many different creative 'Gua Sha' tools there are. I am sure I haven't heard half of it yet.

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5 hours ago, Frederik said:

I love how many different creative 'Gua Sha' tools there are. I am sure I haven't heard half of it yet.

Im now using a 17mm flat head spanner... easier to hold!

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Fri - Rest

Sat - Gym

  • Upper horizontal press/row. 8x28kg on the DB bench press, 

Sun - Gym

  • Lower RDL/Goblet Squat. Made the GS more dynamic.

Mon - Gym

  • Upper pull up/vertical press.  Added in some cable rotator prehab (internal external rotations).

Tue - Gym

  • Step Aerobics 30'.  New timetable, I thought the yoga started earlier. Was fun, but had long warm yoga pants on... got very hot
  • Power Yoga 60'.  Sweat like a proverbial porcine species with droplets dripping off my nose in DD for the first 20'. 

Wed - Gym

  • Upper Press, Row. Skipped legs as going for more work on my right hip later, still give me gyp.

EDIT: The pig in sweating like a pig relates, apparently to pig iron and the smelting process.  Who knew... not I..


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Thu - Gym

  • Lower Squat/Cossack Squat.  Slightly lower intensity today as been running a kcal deficit for last 3 days... and didnt want to jinx progress on right hip.
  • Farmer Carries 20m. 6 sets from 84->104kg.  Grip is definitely much impoved.

Hindsight is great, why did we not do this sooner. PT finally spend a decent amount of time trying to loosen up deep  muscles on right side (glute medius, minimus, piriformis, psoas), and a further session on the Lax ball later. The relief is incredible.

7 hours ago, SwissDanny said:

PT finally spend a decent amount of time trying to loosen up deep  muscles on right side (glute medius, minimus, piriformis, psoas), and a further session on the Lax ball later. The relief is incredible.

That's fantastic, SD. I have always found deep tissue work to be a major blessing in my life; I think anyone who is trying to push their own capacities does well to include this, monthly at least. Happy new your to you!


@Kit_L Indeed, all the best for 2017 too, and enjoy the sabbatical!

Fri - Gym

  • Upper BTN Press, Pull Downs. Solid enough.
  • 5k row, steady 2:05 pace. Harder work than it should be.

Winter finally started with about six inches over two hours yesterday, catching the cleaning crews by surprise apparently! Bitterly cold today -12c at the gym (no not inside..).

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Sat - Gym

  • DL. Got carried away with my technique session, new 1RM 170kg.  Think will shoot for 400lbs/2x BW now as there was definitely more in the tank.

Since this was sixth day in a row just to get out of the house went with active recovery in mind.  Is maxing your DL active recovery? Jokes aside very good as only second serious attempt at heavy DL for three months, obviously the accessory stuff is paying off though.

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Mon - Gym

  • Active recovery. 40' incline walk on treadmill and some STretching

Tue - Gym

  • Lower squats.  The deficit is taking its toll, only felt like doing 4 reps at 100kg BS, so down about 10%, but maybe it was mental too. Feeling less of a marshmallow so there's that!

I was using the hip adductor machine with the full stack to do a sort of sitting frog stretch... effective, but almost got stuck, or lets say the dismount was less than graceful.


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Wed - Gym

  • Upper press.  My transformation into a bro is almost complete... no upper gainz being lost.  DB bench PR 32kgx3.. heaviest bells were 28kg before.

I now really like DB press whereas I have never felt particularly comfortable doing BB bench. Another exercise I feel is very beneficial for me are cable face pulls, I have rapidly gained confidence and strength in this movement.

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Wed - PT

  • Most of the hour was continued release of deep gluteus muscles on the right and an anatomy lesson to boot. Gemellus, quadratus femoris etc.  This led to the discovery of a new iPad and Mac app "Complete Anatomy" by the same people who do iMuscle but soooo much more detailed.  GBP 30 with the link, but worth every cent IMO, it has 7 layers for the muscles, attachments, innervations, 3D animated movements showing what each muscle does etc etc etc.

Thu - Gym

  • Lower RDL and DB Goblet Squat. Got back to 8x110kg RDL (strapped, 100kg "raw"). Played around with maxing the goblet squat (but rule was had to power clean it to play)... got to 48kgx4 but chickened out at 52kg, mostly because the bros were already distressed at this particular use of their (rather dusty at this weight) DB's and I wasnt 100% confident I would catch it first time. Added back some hanging leg raises to complement the back extensions.
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Fri - Gym 

  • Upper BTN Press Pull Ups.  Pull Ups easier now slightly "unweighted"! Rest on maintain.

Off to London for J's birthday weekend so likely no serious exercise for a few days now.

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Sat - Tue - Break

  • A lot of urban and park walking. 

Wed - Gym

  • Indoor cycling 60'
  • Upper press and row

Another six day push now, as will be away on business for 12 days from Monday night, so going to be a bit more sporadic.


Thu - Gym

  • Lower squat, Cossack squat.  A grinding session, form off, 4x100kg was enough.

Fri - Gym 

  • Upper pull up, BTN press. Pull ups solid, BTN press has stagnated at 45kgx1, 40kgx4. Maybe need to change the pairing.

Did a ladder of actual bar dips (1,3,5,7,9) at the end, which I havent done for ages. Felt a lot more healthy/solid than last time, time to re-integrate into the program.


Sat - Gym

  • DL and goblet squat.  Built to a heavy single 160kg x2.

With the goblet squats, continued playing with cleaning the DB, I found a crash pad in case I missed the somewhat fiddly catch, and hang power cleaned the 52kg (+14kg "PR") with relative ease.  The downside of this is I then had no excuse but to squat it.

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Sun - Gym

  • 60' spinning. 125avg HR, 750kcal.  Heavy legs.
  • Upper press and row. Moved through this fairly snappily. Nothing to report.

Need to give some thought to rep and progression schemes, as have rather plateaued on quite a few movements just now.

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12 hours ago, SwissDanny said:

60' spinning. 125avg HR, 750kcal.

Your calorie counts always make me jealous, because that's pretty much half of my BMR in one hour :lol: I like being a smaller human being for the most part, but not so much when I'm thinking about how much I get to eat :P

On 1/23/2017 at 1:45 AM, Nathan said:

Your calorie counts always make me jealous

Ha ha.  I think its reasonably accurate even though it is derived my HR monitor, as I've done enough calibrated rowing and riding to know that 1000kcal per hour I can maintain for 30+mins, sort of limit of aerobic.

Mon - Gym

  • 6x3 Hang Power Clean 60kg, 6x3 Push Press/Jerk 60kg.    
  • 10' 2500m row (corresponds to 1000kcal per hour/2:00 pace)

Just using up some energy ahead of the long flight really. Good news the gym is going to add a functional training area this Summer, I would like to reintegrate some WoDs and modest Oly lifting.

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Tue - Gym

  • Easy Upper Press/Row. 3 hours sleep on the plane and two at the hotel.

January rush is full swing at the Cape Town gym, not helped by having the Belgian lawn hockey team working out there too.  

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