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Massive gain in ROM and massive loss of strength

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I'm sure this is not news to many people here...but I wanted to share my personal physical experience.

After 6 days of exposing new ROM in nearly every area of my body...some of them massive advancements..read: this shit works!

I've found myself to have lost a huge amount of my strength.

Moves like Cossack squats that were long ago something I could have done endlessly...became a struggle.

This is especially true in the ranges of motion that experienced that largest gains in flexibility.

I'm sure there are good physiological reasons...and I can guess at a few.

But really just wanted to share...because it is so dramatic...no doms...a little stiffness in the new ranges...but really just an overall feeling of weakness.

Not looking for a solution...playing will solve it...just sharing my experience.

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I belive that's not the weakness. You just have a lack of strength in New ROM. During my gymnastic training I've found that most of the times when my form improves (deeper ROM), my numbers are going lower. It's just something new for the body, enjoy the new sensations and you'll improve fast :)

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JG wrote:

You just have a lack of strength in New ROM

Perfect, and accurate: this is normal, Adhurst; it's just that most ROM-improving techniques take, like, FOREVER, so no one writes about this. Just be patient; back off the numbers, and watch what happens. Thanks for posting, seriously; this too is gold.

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I'm guessing that the unlocked ROM will mean that more sacromeres/myofibrals will now be involved in contractions.

The new ones (released from tonic contraction) are weak...but once trained and adapted...

My ultimate potential strength will be higher, then my previous "locked up" state.

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Hey, I experienced something similar but of a subtler variety. I went for a longish walk in the hills (my house to Mt Lofty) with a small weight on my back (daughter).

The last 5kms were tough/different & DOMS in 'weird' places the next day.

I did some of the park (Belair) barefoot and man was I flowing. It got deep.

[Andrew IRL - just realised who you are from another post]

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