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Hamstring Success!!

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Woohoo! I just got the palms of my hands flat on the floor with locked knees for the first time ever! PNF is fantastic!!

I've been doing 2x/week bent leg hamstring stretch (as well as limbering daily with dynamic Jefferson curls):

However, over the past couple of sessions I am finding an alternative to the the pull-in/push-down contractions that dramatically increases my split and much preferred by nervous system. I rest the torso on the front leg, and hold my hands out to the side for balance. But, I put virtually no bodyweight through either hand, so my front heel and hamstring have to push through the ground strongly to maintain my balance. Similar to the standing side stretch, I find this in-built contraction deepens the stretch very effectively.

Good times!

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Tris: awesome. Miss O will comment later; what you talk about above is what Mark and Greg and Miss O were doing 15 years ago—amazingly, there's nothing new user the Sun, it seems. Great, great work.

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Well done!

I'm also seeing great results with Kit's material. I've improved more in 6 months than I did with 4 years of karate. Years of sporadic effort and frustration made me convinced that "I'm just not flexible".

Finally I'm finding That this isn't the case.

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Jefferson Curls as a limbering, this sound hardcore! I'm able to touch the floor with the fingers just by limbering everyday.

Thanks J. :)

Oops - I really should mention the daily limbering is without any weight (ie. I'm not holding anything)! Doing them holding 40kg/88lb twice a week is plenty for me. I'm about the same first thing in the morning at the moment. After some "good mornings" (without weight) I can touch the ground dynamically, but it's very difficult to hold it there.

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I got to say, thank you for posting this, Tris. if you hadn't, i wouldnt have asked my stretching partner to apply the acclaimed "Rod of Correction" on my calves or done the single legged downward dog seriously in todays session.

flexibility as of today.



I've never been able to touch the ground, with this quality ROM, without feeling that particular sensation along the back of the knee that makes me bounce back from making contact. in this position i actually felt i could push against the ground.

I gotta say....I'm extremely fortunate to be sorrounded by such professionalism from ST and the people who also practice it. this is gold :) I'm never leaving.

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Thanks for reporting back here, guys; I know this stuff works, but extra validation really helps others who lurk here and don't post; some people are shy, I get that.

​The secret to why happened to both of you is not muscles, per se, but in the fascial system. I am sure the fascial system is constantly reporting to the CNS—and if it experiences a restriction in itself (I am talking about superficial fascia here) then the CNS stops further elongation in the adjacent muscles. I have not read this anywhere, but this is the direct experience in the body.

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I am sure the fascial system is constantly reporting to the CNS—and if it experiences a restriction in itself (I am talking about superficial fascia here) then the CNS stops further elongation in the adjacent muscles. I have not read this anywhere, but this is the direct experience in the body.

I think this is how the "Skin rolling" structural integration technique gets such good results.

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I've never been able to touch the ground, with this quality ROM, without feeling that particular sensation along the back of the knee that makes me bounce back from making contact. in this position i actually felt i could push against the ground.

I gotta say....I'm extremely fortunate to be sorrounded by such professionalism from ST and the people who also practice it. this is gold :) I'm never leaving.

Looks great!

I've had the same 'bouncing' feeling deep in my hip during weighted pike hangs. But I'm fighting it! I think with this new approach I'm winning too. :)

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