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Shoulder issue

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Hi Kit

i have a ongoing problem with my right shoulder particularly around the anterior deltoid.I have done the shoulder stretches featured in OBNP and also the Yuri band exercises you demonstrated on you tube.The exercises have helped but not completely resolved my issue.

I find when doing the lying pec minor stretch mentioned in OBNP that if i increase the angle of the lower arm to approximately 60 degrees i can really feel the stretch in the front shoulder.

I would really appreciate your input on this matter as it continues to frustrate me.Thanks in advance.



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RHG, we are not using the floor pec. minor stretch so much these days, as the shoulder tends to get compressed in this action. We recommend the stick stretch instead, if you can find a partner:

You really only need to do it a few times intensely to get a major change.

As well, in the floor stretch you describe, the major effects for most people going GST is the biceps version (arm and hand internally rotated, floor or wall version). Please retry this one and report back.

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Thanks to KL & MTN for your responses.I am assuming that Kit included vision of the stick stretch in his response but unfortunately i can't view it, is there a trick to viewing it ?is it available on your you tube channel ?

I am not familiar with a lacrosse ball, is there an alternative ? e.g tennis ball



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Kit linked you to his you tube video on this. search for "kit laughlin front chest partner" on youtube and it will be the first one that comes up.

Lacrosse ball is best because it is firm and the right size. any small firm ball will do. Do you have a baseball? tennis ball is a little too soft to be overly effective.

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RHG; why can't you view that embedded clip? (I admin. this site, so this is a technical question I am very interested in.)

Tennis balls are way too soft. MT's suggestions are perfect (as is a small smooth river stone, too, wrapped in a thin towel). It's the shape you need.

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all i see is a blank rectangle with a faint border and a red cross in the top left hand corner, i am assuming that should be the location of the embedded clip.I click on the cross with no result, any feedback would be appreciated.

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Hmmm. Others can see it. I will put the URL here again, in pieces, so reconstruct and paste into a browser. Remove the "dot"s and replace with periods.

http://www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=4mPbEggRY_k

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KL & MTN thanks for your responses, much appreciated and helpful.

I have viewed the assisted chest/ shoulder stick stretch but due to not having someone too help i have devised a solo version.Using a lat bar attached to weight stack i can achieve quite a decent stretch which is far deeper than any other stretch i have tried.Who knows it might even cure my tennis elbow in the left arm as well!



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