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diaphragmatic breathing

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Hi, i'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, just wanted to ask if you had any helpful guides/videos regarding diaphragmatic breathing. I think i've got the general gist of it and have been practicing for the past couple of weeks, however there are a few things im still not sure of. for example when breathing in should i be relaxing the stomach completely or should i maintain a bit of tension in my tva, pelvic floor muscles (say about 20%)... or does this rather depend on the position of the body eg. completely relaxed when lying down, slightly active when standing, constantly very active during front lever.... also when inhaling am i just focusing on inhaling in the belly or once the belly is 'full' am i bringing the breath all the way into the chest. any useful tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Breathing is highly contextual. 

Don't overthink it. Feel it. 

The breath serves different functions depending on what you need.

Chris Duffin has a 20ish minute lecture online called 'Breathing is NOT bracing' where he talks about the functions of breathing and the transition from breathing to what you do under high load (bracing).

Depending on the size and speed of the breath and activities - the levels of tension will vary. 


My suggestion it to practice something like Crocodile Breathing (https://www.functionalmovement.com/Exercises/823/crocodile_breathing_with_ankle_weights) for a little while to get a good sense of awareness and 'feel'. 

But all this depends on if you're talking about your breathing during everything you do or doing specific movements and stretches. 



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