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Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru! ×
Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru!

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So after a few years of GST and ST it became apparent that my hip problem was just a bit more than stiffness and inflexibility from too many years of being a typical Westernized adult.

So after being examined by a consultant physician in musculoskeletal sport and exercise medicine and an x-ray it was found that 

"moderate to severe degenerative changes are noted at bot hips (LT>RT) with reduction of the supero-lateral joint space, articular scleorsis and sub-cortical cyst formation. There is a CAM deformity of the left femoral head neck junction.

There is mild osteitis pubis

The SI joints are well maintained"

A bit over my head but that I have arthritis in my hip which is why my ROM is poor.

Through ST and being sensible over the last few years its not so bad and have made some progress, but I fear that I will never become particularly flexible. I have attended a couple of workshops in London over the past couple of years and have spoken to Kit and Olivia about this and both have been extremely helpful but it's only now that it is confirmed that my hip issue is actually arthritis.

So my question is this, has anyone had experience either personally or through helping someone with it to rehab or even get more flexible ?

 I'm not looking to get extremely flexible but tying my laces is uncomfortable and sitting cross legged is not possible either. So if I could get back to that point I would be very happy.



" There is a CAM deformity of the left femoral head neck junction. " - look this one up. It means that the bones have the wrong shape for the full normal range of movement, and attempts to force that beyond the limits set by the (abnormal) bone shape will only cause more damage.

My view (which others may disagree with) is that managing the osteoarthritis (however you do that) should take priority over the flexibility. Whether you should increase or decrease your amount of exercise people would have different views on.



Thanks Jim, managing the condition is definitely the priority. Saying that, I am able to function pretty well ie walking, running, playing football, GST. I only really became aware of the condition while doing GST and following ST.

I do think though because of the pain and discomfort around that joint my muscles and fascia has all gotten a bit tight and weak so there is room for improvement and I do know my self that some things do help like gentle mobility drills and foam rolling the thigh.

So I was wondering if anyone had experience of dealing with or managing a similar condition otherwise I might start a journal in the workout logs.


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