Cam Ogle Posted February 27, 2017 Author Posted February 27, 2017 No training over the weekend. Spent about 11 hours in the garden basically doing hard labour removing trees and digging. Shoulders and hands took the brunt of the work and didn't feel like training would be of much benefit to me at that point. Back into it tonight. 1
Cam Ogle Posted February 27, 2017 Author Posted February 27, 2017 27/02/17 Scap & shoulder warm up A1) Incline Bench- bar x 10, 40 x 5, 60 x 3, 70 x 1, 80 x 2 A2) DB Row- 15 x 10, 20 x 10, 25 x 10, 35 x 8, 35 x 8 Hollow Body Plank 30s on/30s off x 4 Not too much time again tonight. Got some shi da pan stretching in this morning but my hams weren't feeling the love so I pulled the plug. Was hot as here today so flexibility is all good tonight. 80 x 2 is a PR and would have loved to do a few more sets but time caught me. Went swimming with the kids though so a nice cool off was well worth it. Going to bite the bullet and get/buy/pay for some kind of instruction/book...maybe. I still like to do a fair bit myself so I might go the book route and check out @Nathan's recommendation and look at overcoming gravity. More so for the progressions where I'm struggling to know where to regress to and how to correctly progress. My volume has been down the last few weeks which doesn't help but more info certainly won't hurt. There is a place called Praxis Athletic here in Melbourne that I'd love to check out when I have some more time which I may get to over the couple of months. I've been looking and there doesn't seem to be one person putting all the information in one place/program/book for GST, lower body weights or oly lifting and cardio work as well. If anyone knows of anything off the top of their head please let me know. 2
Cam Ogle Posted February 28, 2017 Author Posted February 28, 2017 Amusing that the more and more I watch "movement" videos the more and more I think people should be studying "Jackie Chan" instead. 2
Nathan Posted February 28, 2017 Posted February 28, 2017 On 2017/2/27 at 8:02 PM, Cam Ogle said: There is a place called Praxis Athletic here in Melbourne that I'd love to check out when I have some more time which I may get to over the couple of months. I've been looking and there doesn't seem to be one person putting all the information in one place/program/book for GST, lower body weights or oly lifting and cardio work as well. If anyone knows of anything off the top of their head please let me know. Emmet did a podcast with Jungle Brothers a while back after (before?) they hosted his workshop. I just checked, and it looks like they're in Sydney though. Too bad because they seem to offer something pretty close to what you're interested in: Quote Our training is based on 3 physical practices: body weight movement fight conditioning weight lifting But since he just did a tour of Australia, @Emmet Louis might be able to offer some more insight. Lots of other Australia people here, too, so hopefully someone will be able to help out! 1
Cam Ogle Posted February 28, 2017 Author Posted February 28, 2017 Thanks @Nathan I heard that podcast too. Praxis seems to be a similar place but it's just a time issue for the moment. Same with BJJ where I'm struggling to fit it in around work and family. If @Emmet Louis does have any suggestions I would love to hear them. Cheers.
Emmet Louis Posted February 28, 2017 Posted February 28, 2017 I didn't get to Melbourne so can't recommend anywhere there. 1
Cam Ogle Posted March 1, 2017 Author Posted March 1, 2017 28/02/17 Last workout of summer. Warm up- scap push ups, btn band pull apart, whippet, banded shoulder dislocates (tucking the ribs had a huge difference here) wrist prep bodyline ex- 30s in each pos/30s rest x 1- hollow body plank, side plank (each side), reverse plank, hollow body hold CTW handstand- 30s on/60s off x 3 Tuck FL- 10s x 5 RTO support- 20s x 5 HF & ham stretches Had a breakthrough on FL today. Getting more of a hollow position was possible and made a huge difference. Seems like it should have been there all along but the awareness is slowly coming. 1
Cam Ogle Posted March 5, 2017 Author Posted March 5, 2017 05/03/2017 Surprised it's been 5 days since my last workout and 11 days since I've squatted. Hasn't felt like it at all. Warm up- Ankle, hip flexor and calf warm up Monster walks (glutes pumped and ready to go) A1) Squats bar x 10, 60 x 5, 90 x 3, 110 x 1 belted- 120 x 1 A2) Handstand entries x 4 x 5 A3) Tuck FL x 10s x 5 B1) Deadlift 60 x 5, 90 x 5, 110 x 3, 130 x 2 B2) Bridge push ups x 5 x 4 B3) Planche Lean x 10s x 4 Pike and pancake stretches to finish. Was a weird workout. Squats felt great initially and then felt weak. No surprises given the length of time between sessions but I feel the jump from 60 to 90 to 110 was too great. I usually go 60-80-100 then up from there. Deadlifts felt good and bad too. I like the idea of getting some consistency here and building both these up again, especially deadlifts. The bodyweight stuff was pretty good. I really concentrated getting stable on the tuck front lever even though I brought the tuck a bit closer. Seeing @MattPark do them recently I realised that I was trying to progress to quickly. Bridge push up was easy although doing them too quickly makes me dizzy. Planche lean was great. Finally got some good scap positioning on these. Pike and pancake stretching were quite good. The heat helped. My hams were super tight at the start of the pike and it was kind of weird during the pancake where I stretched towards each leg rather than down the middle that there was no tightness in the hams at all in this period. Also, during the pancake I was able to pull myself into and end of range position using my legs, hold it till the tightness subsided (maybe 10-20s) and then go a bit further. This was kind of cool and I keep telling myself it's all in the mind. Was also listening to Kit's interview with Justin Goodheart and he mentions being able to pull the skin away from the body, using the forearm as an example, as a sign of fascial tightness/propensity for flexibility (I hope i got that right). I can, and always have been able to, pull the skin about 3cm away from my forearm. Hoping this rings true as I continue to train my flexibility. 2
Cam Ogle Posted March 6, 2017 Author Posted March 6, 2017 06/03/2017 Warm Up- Scap: scap push ups, btn pull aparts, whippet, banded dislocates Wrists: using different positions for 4-5 breaths each constantly rotating Bodyline circuit: plank, side, back plank, side, hollow body x 30s each in a row A1) Ring Dips (3 sec ecc)- bw x 3, 3, 3, 3 A2) Chins (3 sec ecc)- bw x 3, 3, 3, 3 A3) Cuban Rotations 10 x 10, 10, 10, 10 B1) Klokov Press- 20kg x 10, 10 B2) DB Rear Delt Flye- 5kgs x 15, 15 Nice and quick one. Followed up later by some foam rolling and mobility work. Shoulders are getting gunky so spent some extra time there and in the lats. 2
Cam Ogle Posted March 7, 2017 Author Posted March 7, 2017 07/03/2017 Warm Up- Scap: scap push ups, btn pull aparts, whippet, banded dislocates Wrists: completely forgot to do these Bodyline circuit: plank, side, back plank, side, hollow body, arch x 30s each in a row Handstands (against wall) 30s on/30s off x 4 (the shoulder pump is real!!!) Tuck FL- 10s x 4 Planche Lean- 10s x 4 RTO Support- x 20s x 2 False Grip Hang (inverted row position) x 20s x 2 Emmet Louis front fold protocol- Calf Release- Foot straight x90sec, 30deg inward x90sec, 30deg outward 90sec Stride Stance Good Morning- 3 sets x 10 reps with a 15s isometric hold on final rep Jefferson Curl 2×10 @ 10kg with 15s hold on final rep. Experienced some outer knee pain during J curls and the last few reps of the good mornings. Got some overall nice compression going on though and otherwise this felt great. 2
Cam Ogle Posted March 7, 2017 Author Posted March 7, 2017 Waist measurement of just over 34" this morning which is probably the lowest in 7-8 years since I used to weigh in the low 80s. Pretty stoked about that. Weight is stable around the 89 mark. 1
Cam Ogle Posted March 14, 2017 Author Posted March 14, 2017 13/03/2017 Warm Up- scap and shoulders, dynamic stretches, wrists, bodyline drills Ring Support Hold x 20s x 3 CTW Handstand x 30s x 4 Pull Ups- bw x 5, 5, 5 Ring Dips- bw x 4, 5, 5 Front Squat- bar x 10, 40 x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 5 Foot supported L-sit- x 20s x 3 Push ups- bw x 8, 8, 8 Tuck Front lever x 10s, 10s, 7s Interesting workout. Trying something a little different but it felt good. I normally do chins and pull ups were a good change. 5 reps was easy on first set and hard on last set. Front squats were quick. Felt pretty solid. Lifted in my vivo barefoots and depth was still pretty good. Push ups were funny. I can do "normal" push ups fine and normally have my hands equal with the bottom of my shoulders and at about 45 deg. Looking around at some videos had my hands ending up below the chest line and pushing from there was much more difficult. Next progression is the diamond push up but will sit on these for a few more days till they become easier. Edit- Had another "aha" moment before CTW handstand. I had been watching some videos for this and it never quite twigged but I kept overbalancing time after time when getting as close as I should be. The penny finally dropped and I realised I was doing these with the balls of my feet on the wall not the tops of my feet. Huuugge difference! 1
Cam Ogle Posted March 18, 2017 Author Posted March 18, 2017 18/03/2017 Warm Up- skipping, scap and shoulders, dynamic stretches, wrists, bodyline drills Ring Dips- bw x 6, 6, 3 Pull Ups- bw x 6, 6, 4 Deadlift- 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 100 x 5, 120 x 5 Foot supported L-sit- x 30s x 3 Struggling with getting workouts in at the moment which I think is an issue with defined goals. Even squatting and deadlifting aren't as important right now. Will be making workouts a staple in the AM next week so that should solve half the problem though. Funny today though. I know my feet are massive problem areas. Especially given the amount of times I have sprained my ankles and had foot injuries during my basketball career. Before training I gave Kit's foot sequence a go on my right foot. As a tester I didn't do the left. First of all the knee pain I'd had for the last 2 days went away. Secondly my glute activation was through the roof. Left knee still sore as fuck. Took the dog for a quick 1.5k run after training and even then my running form on the right side was night and day when compared to the left. Glute super active, forefoot striking with great balance. Did the left side when I got back home and the difference was immediate. This is a keeper and will be a permanent fixture for the medium term future. Have given myself the weekend off with regards to food and drink. Was getting a little itchy last week and feel like I've been under eating somewhat. Haven't had that much aside from 2-3 beers each night and a couple of my wife's unbelievable cupcakes but it's enough. Have a wedding tomorrow that will be thoroughly enjoyed then it's back on the straight and narrow. 2
Cam Ogle Posted March 23, 2017 Author Posted March 23, 2017 22/03/2017 Warm Up- skipping, scap and shoulders, wrists (forgot), bodyline drills Ring Support Hold x 30s CTW Handstand x 30s, 30s, 10s Pull Ups- bw x 5, 5, 5 Ring Dips- bw x 5, 5, 5 Deadlift- 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 100 x 5, 125 x 5 Foot supported L-sit- x 20s x 3 Tuck FL- x 10s x 2 Push ups- bw x 8, 8 Really good session. CTW handstand was funny. First two sets no problems. 3rd set turns into a freestanding handstand after about 5 seconds as I'm adjusting my line (tight glutes, hollow body pos, etc) and the next 5 seconds off the wall felt like an eternity. Pull ups are becoming easier and even did the third set with my daughter hugging my waist between reps. Dips are getting there. Deadlifts were great after some early quad/hip discomfort. 125 was quick and tight. I was super focused on that set even though my daughter was swinging on the rings behind me kicking me in the ass. Tuck front lever was solid and I had a really good sense of my scap positioning which was great to be aware of. Have pretty much nailed down a program to follow for the next 6-8 weeks and some goals to go along with it. Will get it up over the next few days for some feedback. 4
Cam Ogle Posted March 27, 2017 Author Posted March 27, 2017 27/03/17- 5.45am Warm Up- skipping, scap, shoulders, wrists, bodyline drills CTW Handstand x 30s Handstand entries x 10 RTO Support x 20s Pull Ups x 7, 6, 5 Ring Dips x 5, 5, 4 Front Squat- bar x 10, 40 x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 5 Floor Supported L-sit x 20s x 3 Tuck Front Lever x 10s, 8s, 10s Push Ups x 8, 8, 8 66 minutes all up. Up at 5.30 and in the gym by 5.45. Took me some time to fully wake and the warm ups may have been slightly half arsed but no doubt this will get better as I get used to being up this early again. The above is pretty much the basis for my training for the next 6-8 weeks. 3 days per week with an additional "fun" day if I can fit it in. RTO & Handstands Pull Ups- aim for 3x8 then add weight Ring Dips- aim for 3x8 then add weight Front Squat, deadlift, backsquat- top set of 5 L-sit progression Front Lever progression Push Up progression Main goal are to get some consistency in and build some work capacity again. Training in the AM allows me the freedom to run or do something else of an evening too. Lifting goals are to build to both 3x8 bodyweight reps for pull ups and dips and add 20kg respectively to front squat, deadlift and back squat. This pretty much brings me back to parity with my normal strength levels for those lifts so shouldn't be too difficult. The "fun" day would be some oly style lifting at the local gym with some bro work in. 1
Nathan Posted March 27, 2017 Posted March 27, 2017 2 hours ago, Cam Ogle said: Floor Supported L-sit I know there's no official name, but I'm used to seeing this as feet-supported L-sit. Floor-supported makes me chuckle, because I imagine the end progression to be levitating L-sit or something 2 hours ago, Cam Ogle said: Lifting goals are to build to both 3x8 bodyweight reps for pull ups and dips and add 20kg respectively to front squat, deadlift and back squat. Bet you'll hit all of those in no time! 1
Cam Ogle Posted March 27, 2017 Author Posted March 27, 2017 14 minutes ago, Nathan said: I know there's no official name, but I'm used to seeing this as feet-supported L-sit. Floor-supported makes me chuckle, because I imagine the end progression to be levitating L-sit or something Isn't that how everyone does them? If you're not levitating you're just mistaking Yeah I feel it's quite achievable in that time frame. Sometimes it's nice to set goals you know you can achieve and be able to focus on other aspects of the training. 1
Cam Ogle Posted March 28, 2017 Author Posted March 28, 2017 So much for consistency. Spent all day driving around for meetings and my right elbow was killing me when I got home. It's been tender on and off the last month or so but nothing out of the ordinary. I think it's related to my lat/shoulder tightness so spend a decent amount of time working through those areas. Also spent some time stretching my forearms as they were super tight. Skipped my session this morning to rest and will pick back up for my 3rd session later this week. 1
Cam Ogle Posted April 4, 2017 Author Posted April 4, 2017 03/04/2017- 6pm bw- 91 Warm Up- skipping, scap & shoulders, wrists Pull ups- bw x 4, 4, 4, Ring dips- bw x 3, 3, 3 Banded monster walks (loving these before squats and they make a massive difference) Front Squat- bar x 10, 40 x 5, 60 x 3, 80 x 1, 90 x 7 Feet supported l-sit x 20s x 4 Giving handstands the flick for the rest of the week till I get some consistency back. Elbow is feeling a lot better but need to get more work into it and the surrounding areas. Squats were solid. Had the knee sleeves on and feel that I would have had 10 reps with better bar positioning. My right elbow was dropping and the wrist and fingers were taking up too much slack. Legs felt great though. Bodyweight is surprisingly at 91 given my last few weeks of sporadic training and going off the reservation with my eating. Looking forward to getting it back down into the high 80's. 3
Cam Ogle Posted April 5, 2017 Author Posted April 5, 2017 I tweaked something in my upper back/neck two days ago and it's giving me the shits. Pec, shoulder, lat, traps, etc are all super tight on the right hand side. Don't know if it was funny sleeping or something else. Too much time slouched over my computer perhaps. Anyway, still played ball last night. Wasn't a bad game, I played ok and we won but what was funny to notice was that given my tiredness and the soreness in the body I was a half step slower than usual and mentally I felt I was that old guy who is struggling to keep up. In reality it wasn't the case but it's a nice reminder to get my shit together. I have been slipping with the training, diet and recovery the last month or so and it's time to bring it back on track. Should be able to train tomorrow and then again on Saturday so I will still get my 3 main sessions in for the week. 3
Cam Ogle Posted April 10, 2017 Author Posted April 10, 2017 So...back is still pretty trashed. Have done a fair bit of movement each day. Just stretching, rolling, etc. Moving around trying to get some relief. It's navigated up the neck as well which isn't entirely pleasant. Got back in the gym last night for the first time. Did my skipping and a warm up and then just did some hollow body work, cuban rotations, jefferson curls and some hanging. Felt ok but not great. I want to blame the front squats but I think the real culprit is the ego. I had no real business attempting a heavy max set of front squats after not doing them for so long. Oh well, no biggie. Will use this week to recover properly and start again. 2
Nathan Posted April 10, 2017 Posted April 10, 2017 1 hour ago, Cam Ogle said: but I think the real culprit is the ego Isn't it always? 1
Rik Posted April 10, 2017 Posted April 10, 2017 16 hours ago, Cam Ogle said: So...back is still pretty trashed. Have done a fair bit of movement each day. Just stretching, rolling, etc. Moving around trying to get some relief. It's navigated up the neck as well which isn't entirely pleasant. Got back in the gym last night for the first time. Did my skipping and a warm up and then just did some hollow body work, cuban rotations, jefferson curls and some hanging. Felt ok but not great. I want to blame the front squats but I think the real culprit is the ego. I had no real business attempting a heavy max set of front squats after not doing them for so long. Oh well, no biggie. Will use this week to recover properly and start again. This attitude towards injury is something I find most people in the gym lack. When I've made a bad fall or somehow hurt myself, it's "eh, whatever, I'll work with it and it'll resolve", whereas everyone around me seems to think I'm in some kind of depression. Same thing with missing a lift or a skill: just laugh and try again. 1
Cam Ogle Posted April 11, 2017 Author Posted April 11, 2017 9 hours ago, 161803398874989 said: This attitude towards injury is something I find most people in the gym lack. When I've made a bad fall or somehow hurt myself, it's "eh, whatever, I'll work with it and it'll resolve", whereas everyone around me seems to think I'm in some kind of depression. Same thing with missing a lift or a skill: just laugh and try again. That's it! No point getting bent out of shape over it. Not to say that I'm not disappointed but you learn and move on.
Cam Ogle Posted April 12, 2017 Author Posted April 12, 2017 12/04/2017- 5.30pm Skipping - 3.5m (aiming for 5 but left knee called it quits) Cat/camel, scap push ups, btn banded pull apart, whippet, shoulder dislocates, banded ankle dorsiflexion, banded hip flexor Wrists & bodyline Handstand kick ups- 3x5 Pull Ups- x 5, 5, 5 Ring Dips- 2, 3, 3 BB Curl (bar only)- 10, 10 Red band tricep pushdown- 10, 10 J Curl (5kg)- 10, 10 Was a nice reintroduction to training. Took a slightly wider grip on pull ups and liked what I felt with that. Dips were meh but that was to be expected. All in all not too bad. 2
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