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Hi guys, I'm very impressed by the community here and hope to have something to contribute from myself too.


About me: 186cm (6'1) 90kg (198lbs) some mix between coach, pers trainer and in the last few years rehab guy. Like Stretch Therapy, strength training, Feldenkrais, SMR, gymnastics and CrossFit. I have been a volleyball competitor for a while, but also have several years of training in wrestling, swimming, distance running, dances to name a few.

Have a very long list of pains and injuries but what bothers me nowadays is my low-back.


Yesterday to me come a boy (14y.e.) with very serious spine problem (scoliosis). I think a know what to do but have nobody to speak with about this I take a decision that if I'm a part from such well educated and experienced group of people I will be better at helping others. The big players in the forum have changed many things in my mind several times.


Furthermore, This year I will take 2 ST seminars in London, for which I can't wait for.




15min joints articulations (if someone is familiar with Z-health protocols, I did R-phase + some my movements with the idea to move the joint in every possible way the full ROM)


Upper body:

-bench 4x5 96kg

-DB rows- 4x10 40kg

-assistance work: Shoulder lateral raise 2x8kg; skullcrusher 2x12kg; biceps alterations DB 2x14kg 3sets x 12reps



Lowback work: advanced piriformis stretch (pigeon); floor side spine bends (lateral flexion); lying low back twist (crocodile)

Pike work: Modif plough, neck stretch

Pancake work: Lying Pendulum (very hard glut min cramp I think)


Later today will do some Handstand work.

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Monday PM: HS work


-HS facing wall hold- 3x 30sec

-HS facing wall run- 3x 6 per hand

-jump to HS (from split stance)- 4x 5





Back squat- 4x5 115kg

RDL- 3x10 85kg

walking lunges- 3x 10steps each leg- 2x15kg DBs

Front planks- 3x45sec



tuck front lever raise- 3x5

tuck front lever ISO- 3x20sec




6min treadmill 12km/h



-jump to HS (from split stance)- 2x 5

-one-leg-extended-hollow front lever raise- 4x5

-tuck front lever- 2x15sec

-HeSPU (back against wall) 3x8 (easy lose balance and top position, but satisfied from the strength)




-Press- 4x5 57kg

-pullups (neutral grip)- 12kg/2x10, 8reps 5kg/10reps

-assistance work: 3x shoulder front DB raise, hammer biceps curl, triceps pulldowns



-every day- daily five


-adv piriformis stretch

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Can you link to an explanation of Z-health protocols, Nick, and Welcome!

Hi Kit,

Thanks for the question.


- this is some example of the exercise that Ericc Cobb, include in his programs. 


- And here is his explanation about what is z-health. 


I use it because it is very similar to my understanding and knowledge and what I feel good for supporting healthy fuctional body. Еssentially they are joints articulations, and sometimes in creative positions.

I don't know whether someone here read in Russian but I rotate Z-health protocols with Валентин Дикуль's warmup/training sequence.




-Front lever work- 3x tuck rise

-HS tuck jumps- straddle and pike 3x



Stretch therapy: adv piriformis, hamstring (standing), wedge stretch, one leg calf stretch, toe points stretch, lying agonist-antigonist hamstring, cheat pike, mod plough, neck stretch

jefferson curl- 3x8 15kg



about 90min walnut crushing with hands in different squoting position (it isn't a workout but my forearms was tired, and my lowback and knees too)


60min swimming- there were too many people in the pool so I think less than 1km, all of my sets were failed.


60min HS walk practice- this was my first attempt. I record was 6steps, but I'm very happy from my performance

3x front lever ISO (in one-leg-extended-hollow front lever)



Deadlift- 4*5 150kg

Goodmorning 3x10 55 60 65kg

step up- 3*8 75kg

Dragon flag ISO 3x30sec



HS walk- 5x 3,4steps

HS against wall 2x

ST backbend master program- 3exercise


Recently I haven't a big drive for pushing so...



4sets HS walk 4,5steps

ST: piriformis-floor, Side spine bent- floor, Supine spine twisting, solo hip flexor stretch, quad stretch



-bench- 106kg AMAP= 6reps

-DB row- 45kg 4x8 per hand

-assistance work: Shoulder lateral raise 2x10kg; skullcrusher 2x14kg; biceps alterations DB 2x14kg 3sets x 10reps

-ST- piriformis, side spine bend (floor), supine spine twist, partner floor hip flexor stretch




Did you or your students do the z-health eye tracking exercises for any length of time and notice any benefits?..  they are surprisingly intense the first time round!




Hi Danny, 

No we don't, but I have a few clients that made progress with z-health balance program. I see it in his back squat and warm-up routine. A have also been interesting in this program, but the day has only 24hours... unfortunately.


A few more stretches today:


shoulder- pec stretch with fascia dimensions, pec minor str, supraspinatus, one arm hang

60min Feldenkrais exercise+ corrective exercise about spine and breathing (I think my squat needs fixing hip lateral shift and improve my diaphragm strength)




joint articulation routine (with 2,3 exercise for the most joints, both for passive and active mobility), 

a few limbering exercises- sumo squats, piriformis stretch, side spine stretch, low-back supine twist, beat the compass

locomotions- inch worm+seratus push ups+push ups; duck walk; bear walk (bent and straight knees); frog walk; elephant dynamic stretch; spider lunge push ups; 


Back squat- 130/1x failure= 7 (it was great, I could do at least 10, but my spine start to break and I'm very scared from having a sore low back)

RDL- 3x8 90kg 1x8 80kg (my left QL/erector wanted to cramp)

walking luge- 2x18kg 3x8 (hear I felt some discomfort deep in my left hip, which is first time in my life, I don't know from what)

front plank-3x1min


2km run for 10'10"


Concept2 rowing- 1,5km 18s/m 2'10/av (easy, just for killing some time)



-BB Press- 62kg/1x failure= 7 (relatively easy)

-pullups (neutral grip) 4x8 +14kg (first time all reps were chest 2 bar, usually my shoulder ROM decrease after 2nd set)

-assistance work: 3x shoulder front DB raise, hammer biceps curl, triceps pulldowns


Today in Bulgarian is a national holiday, so I have less PT session and will do many ST exercises.

Saturday- Whole "Master the bridge" serie, without the last 2 exercise. 

(it was interesting for me, that preparatory exercise tired me a much more than the bridge itself; with is not true for the pancake to say)



-Deadlift- 160kg/1x failure= 8reps (I decide to use a belt, for first time since 2013, it feels very nice)

-GM- 3x8 65kg

-->BB step up 80kg 3x6reps

-->Dragon flag ISO- 3x30sec


Monday- deload

-bench 3x5 80kg

-DB row 42kg 3x10

-assistance work: Shoulder lateral raise 2x10kg; skullcrusher 2x14kg; biceps alterations DB 2x14kg 2sets x 10reps


-whole "master the pike" program, without last 2exercise (Weighted Bench Hamstring 25kg)

-HS facing wall 3x30"

-jumps to HS- 3x5" hold (my best HS ever!)

-Front Lever raise (open tuck)2x5


Tuesday- deload

-BSQ- 3x5 80kg

-RDL- 3x10 90kg

-walk. lunge 2x20kg 2x12steps

-Front plank 3x1min

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"Deadlift- 160kg/1x failure= 8reps"

"-->Dragon flag ISO- 3x30sec"

"-assistance work: Shoulder lateral raise 2x10kg; skullcrusher 2x14kg; biceps alterations DB 2x14kg 2sets x 10reps"

"60min Feldenkrais exercise+ corrective exercise about spine and breathing (I think my squat needs fixing hip lateral shift and improve my diaphragm strength)"


I like you style!  Nice log. 



  • Like 2

I forget to put the link...



I wounder whether to put a pic of my bridge too, but the environment in my room is too out of order so next time :)


ps. For now the link doesn't work yet, I hope youtube still work on it and it will be ok. I love to hear feedback.


"I like you style!  Nice log. 




Thanks Dave, yesterday I thought about your front split and 50kg TGU :)


I try to find and do the best from everything, everywhere and everyone. Hope some day we can discuss about these topics :)

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I love this forum; excellent work, gentlemen.

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I was inspired from the logs here and how different kind of activities you do. And wanted to do so much more, but my energy levels are quite limited I think.

In the recent 2,3weeks I try to increase my food intake (I lose BW at 3500-3800kcal/day) and feel better. But yesterday for example I haven't any energy and desire for pushing forward. Since the last year I thought about starting meditate but for now just tried for 2 times by myself. I have always been on the hard side of the things so any advice for starting direction will be useful :) .



-ST- daily five; shoulder warm-up sequence, yuri exercise, band I,Y,T,V's, floor pec stretch with fascia dem., 

-upper back stretch from hang (my idea, I will make a video for hearing some feedback)

-a few 1arm Dead-lift reps 50kg(because I have to move fast a few barbells at the gym) 50kg (I mention this because I feel small discomfort at my low back, and about 10years ago I did every week a 1arm suitcase DL with 90kg without any problem)

-resting at squat for a while (~30min throughout the day)




-BB Press- 3x5 45kg

+floor pec stretch-2x; lat-cat stretch with 1 arm-2x


-pullups (neutral grip) 3x10 +14kg (I have tried to increase the rest to 3 and 5min but didn't thnik it made a difference)

+neck stretch- front and lateral flexion


-assistance work: 2x shoulder front DB raise, hammer biceps curl, triceps pulldowns



how often do you do classical strength training- BSQ,bench, press, pullups,DL...? Do you think that with discovering the beauty of stretching and revealing/eliminating the body tension people start to go away from it? If yes- is it good thing? (it will be great even if the answer is from 3words :) ).


@Nick: all my athletic life, I have had serious DOMS. But when I restated some conventional strength training recently, I experienced significantly less, and sometimes none at all.


So, in regards to your question (about whether people might go away from conventional strength training as they discover the beauty of stretching and reduced tension), that answer will depend on what they want. Reducing tension was a priority for me for a long time; now as I get older, I realise I need to refocus on maintaining lower body strength, in particular.

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-Deadlift- 110/3*5

-GM- 3x10 65kg

-->BB step up 70kg 3x10reps per leg 

-->Dragon flag ISO- 3x30sec


-ST: a few exrc from squat, pancake and shoulder series

-a have 1h break at the gym and decide to read some stuff "staying in squat. When my legs get sore I go to side lunge (some form of skandasana maybe) and did a few handstand walk attempts. Nothing at the legs today but my low back feels a big less flexible.



-Z-health I phase and again some exercise that make me feel better.

-Also hope to make the time to do some exercise from the pancake package. 


Wow, my pancake is my weakest from master the... series :) Tonight will do "before" picture and will test the progress on the first ST seminar at London... can't wait.



skandasana, standing wide leg limbers, tailor pose

partner hip flexor


upper back stretch- my version I think. Once my upper back cramp while back squatting and then standart stretch from daily-5 set didn't help me. This was the strongest version I could think of. I let the body to hang in max flexed position and than pushing my knees to my chest helping with my feets. Also twisting my hip to find more tight areas. Any thoughts?



It's a nice stretch; I often do it when I use a wall mounted chinning bar (which hasn't been for a while). I especially like directing the breath to the posterior ribcage and/or micro-spinal waves. 

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Nick, there is a better one that that for that area (the one use are using, in my experience, hits the lats harder than flexing the upper and middle back).


The very first exercise of the old Daily Five will work more strongly; unfortunately we do not have this videod anywhere.


Kneel on the floor, on balls of feet, bottom on heels. Hold the outside of one foot and using the other hand for support, put top of head on floor and rest; then hold the other foot. Breathe in; and on a breath out, push the hips forward gently (using hips and quads) until the middle and upper back is drawn into a "C"-shape, like a bow. Breathe and relax, and maintain pushing force. C–R: try to shrug your shoulder; and then try to pull your hands directly away from your feet. Restretch. This will get exactly the right spot, I believe. Go gently the first time!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Maybe I'm too inflexible at the upperback, because I didn't feel anything at the lats, but at the spine. However, I think I have read somewhere this exercise Kit, pahaps in the ONBP book. I will experiment with it. 


I notice that my neck is a bit sore last several days, and more so in the right side. Don't find the reason but countiniue searching.


Yesterday I did my starting picture, and even find an improvement at the pike.




Bench- 7x3 95kg

1arm DB row- 4x12 40kg

assistance work: Shoulder lateral raise 2x8kg; skullcrusher 2x12kg; biceps alterations DB 2x13kg 3sets x 15reps


ST: pancake limbering exercises

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Nick, you are demonstrating a nice pike. The exercise I describe is in S&F, from memory (not sure if in ONBP; I am on the road presently, away from the library), if you have this book, and it should affect the place you mentioned had cramped. 

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