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Physical Alchemy Laboratory 2016: Riding the Flaming Monkey


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Thanks maaaan!  It is relatively pitiful (compared to some on here), but for me the squatting is changing my body like nothing else has (on a muscular level) in years (due to my years of inauspiciously 'skipping leg day').  When I started 70kg felt hard, now it does not. The whole body is responding in a beautiful way to the humble once a week barbell squatting work.  Interestingly, just recently (this workout and last) my proprioception has adjusted so when I squat with the bar (~20kg) it feels as if I have no extra weight on me. Before it felt light but apparent.  Now it is 30kg that feels 'light but apparent'.  Interesting. 

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One a week BS and DL over a six week period under the watchful gaze of the great Stan Pianko at the HK Ward gym produced far and away the best gains I ever made in these lifts at any stage in my life. 40Kg in the BS, less in the DL. The sessions were over two hours long, but I improved every workout. Some of the improvement was technique, to be sure, but mostly it was pushing past psychological limits and then doing it again, and again. Stan was the best coach.

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5 minutes straight of Leopard Crawling. 'Rabs' ahoy!


Today: AM Physical Cultivation

Warm-up: played around with a number of lightly weighted (~10% bodyweight) flexed spine oscillations and rotations, getting into some nice crevices of my spinal tissue that remain hidden in shadow.  Some Hanging Breath-work; shoulder mobility with bands (including a novel one that I would have to post a picture of  - is too complex to explain in words; some Cobra posture with Directed Breathing and figure 8 patterns with the humerus.  Did a set of 10kg upright rows at the end of the workout, as Robbie was doing these for tracking and to balance the dips and pressing he is doing.  They felt good at lighter weight, slow tempo, higher reps. 


Barbell BSQ @ 82.5kg: 15 reps (1 more on last time I did this weight)

Barbell Military Press @ 37.5kg: 7, 6, 6, 6, 6

Hanging Leg Lifts: 5 sets of 9 reps, 30 second Iso-metric hold as finisher. 


[*] Soft Tissue exploration [skull Polishing].  Yesterday I explored some different strategies for soft tissue 'skull polishing' work (work on soft tissues of the cranium, jaw, neck).  Re-reading 'Rolfing and Physical Reality' a quote stuck out about Ida's view that you need to get neck/jaw/skull all re-patterned or it won't stick in a new pattern (paraphrasing).  The work on Temporalis TrPts and stringy tissue was particularly nasty on the right side.  One exercise I created a while ago that I revisited produced an epic soft and hard palate, and pterygoids 'charge' sensation that was so interesting I will revisit it today at greater length.  Work on Digastric and Mylohyoid was profitable.  Some more 'fascial sheath' work and deep neck rotators.  This is pretty complicated work, so don't explore without great touch-sensation and anatomy.. plenty of things not to press on in these areas.  From various practices and explorations I have become aware of a linked pattern of tension through all these structures and it seems like a reasonably noble quest to turn my skills into this area of my own body.  Nonnulli perieruent in opere nostro.  

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Correct.  I find anatomical names accurate but poetically impotent. Thus I like to give the stretches nice alchemical names!  I am skillfully tuning out K's advice about needlessly creating new terminology.  The Human Crossbow is the perfect example.  Partner Stick stretch is good, and accurate, but leaves out the possibility of there being other stick stretches with partners.  Also, it lacks the same power to evoke (or maybe invoke if you do the stretch strong enough) the imagery and sensations that go with the stretching geometry.  When one of my students (Liz) said the name in class I knew instantly it was correct.  Indeed, at that very moment a student was in this stretch, locked and loaded - ready to be fired from the Laboratory towards Castlereagh St! Haha! :D


I think you will love the new stretch too! This new one, Human Crossbow and Passive Backward Bend of the Mother Whale are the triad of choice. 




EDIT: Hammer just pointed out that 'passive backward bend over mother whale' is inauspicious un-alchemical.  :o  I have a dire new mission.  If not back, avenge death.

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'Partner stick stretch' has no anatomical reference. Alchemical names: okay. Impotent – any sort – hmm. What's "strong enough"? My two cents ... I'm okay with 'inauspicious [and] un-alchemical': though, not clear if you mean the naming or the stretch!

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I prefer colorful and interesting names, is all.  Like the gong fu names for sequences and techniques; 'dragon twisting', 'monkey grabs hanging peach', even western exercises like 'skullcrushers'.  I think it is a bit sad when beautiful exercises (stretching and other) have beige-a-fied bland names (anatomical or otherwise). It is a hall-mark of disenchantment, IMO.  Why not have name and form interacting in an intriguing way? It takes more play and creative input, but this is a good thing.  Anyway, that's just my $0.02. 

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"Name and form interacting in an intriguing way" has been part of our work since the beginning (remember the "pull the leg off the chicken" pose?). I'll bet you do.


The reason I re-named all the poses that I have named (many of which had names like the ones you are using now) using simple descriptions, like "floor legs-apart forward bend", instead of, say, upavista kona-asana, (Sk.), the original name, or another one we might have made up, is direct communication, able to go beyond face-to-face interaction to convey the meaning. This became more important as the work spread beyond the University, where it all began, and where many people did use the same funny names for many years. Faced with writing the first book (Overcome neck & back pain), though, I had to make a decision about communication beyond this limited domain.


One useful aspect of a name is that it can remind you of the elements of the position. Beige-a-fying the names was the conscious decision I made for that purpose (simple communication); but there's nothing to stop anyone renaming any of them. 


I will note that many systems do have names that have clear meanings – but only to the annointed within that system. The names of all of the Mat Series from Pilates is an example. 

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S*&^, I burst out laughing. Thanks Emmet; made my day!


xkcd is one smart Mofo, to be sure. Love his work.

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Workout moments ago: 


Barbell BSQ: 3 sets of 3 reps @ 90kg, 2 sets x 3 reps @ 60kg fast (the idea was fast, in reality the speed was not too different from at 90kg.. think I fried the legs too much on the first 3 sets) 

Barbell Press:  3 sets x 6 reps @40kg, 1 set x 2 reps @45kg, 1 rep @ 50kg. 

Hanging Leg Lifts:  3 sets x 12 reps 


Intermission exercise: using a 10kg plate to make QL do some work via some figure 8 patterns and swings from a fair way down a spinal roll-down.  Felt very nice, and I can feel some interesting sheets of connective tissue flicking over each other with the 10kg plate that cannot be felt when I do a similar thing without weight. 

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AM: 10 minutes of various Crawling exercises - Leopard, standard cross-crawl, lateral flexion and lateral undulation maximiser. 


Mid-arvo: helping Vijay move house. 



Barbell Press @ 42.5kg: 5 sets x 5 reps

Bodyweight (natural) Row on Rings: 12, 9, 6, 6, 6 reps 


[DW] ( Note to Self: bilateral soreness (again) around the sutural meeting point of the Occipital, Parietal and Temporal bone after re-introduction of the Tibetan brain-polishing exercise. )

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Am - Nei Gong (nice, long session that dissolved and non-expressed some negative emotions for bonus points).


PM - Physical Cultivation [Heavy Bag session]

3 x 3 minute Rounds, 1 minute rest, 30 sec sprint at the end of each round. 


Round 1 - Jab, Cross, Counter-Cross [Cross Sprint]

Round 2 - Jab, Body Shot (Low Cross), Shovel Hook, Counter-Cross, Hook, Counter-Cross [shovel Hook Sprint]

Round 3 - Jab, Cross, Hook, Read Knee (occasional Haymaker) [Haymaker sprint]



2 rounds x  5 Pull-ups (slow) --> 25 Lead Elbows (each side) --> rest --> 5 Dips --> 50 Rear knees (25 each side; in a row)

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Today (Tuesday):

Am: Physical Cultivation


Ring Dips: 6, 3, 3

*Single-leg Calf Raises: 1 set x 21 reps @ 10kg (each leg); 1 set x 21 reps bodyweight (each leg)

Hanging Leg Raises: 2 sets x 12 reps


Barbell Press @ 45kg: 3 sets x 3 reps

Nordic Curls: 3 sets x 5 reps (last rep ~10 second hold). 


PM:  Interesting Nei Dan following (but probably unrelated to) a bath infused with a particular difficult-to-find oil, that Serge mentioned to me whilst in Australia late last year.  The bath did, indeed, produce a very pleasing and different relaxed somatic feeling (closer to the bodyfeel of being high rather than the post- big stretching session feel). Very nice. I was missing one of the ingredients, so we'll see how they both go together(!). 


Last night (Monday):

2-partner Side Splits, Wall Rec Fem & Psoas stretch (with partner foot assistance on chest - this particular variant is Robbie C's creation and it is particularly potent), Delta Piriformis. 


*No squats today. After last session I noticed a new and inauspicious creaking-silty sound coming from my right knee. It does not hurt but I want to investigate it more.  Suspicious, I say.  I noticed some pain and patella displacement in the top portion of the right leg in the calf raises today, so I will keep investigating.  VMO on the right had spasmed and activated a trigger point post last session, also. 

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Moments ago:


Physical Cultivation [Heavy Bag work]

3 x 3 minute Rounds, 1 minute rest, 30 sec sprint at the end of each round.


Round 1: Jab, Cross, Counter-Cross [Cross Sprint]

Round 2: Whatever combination I felt like - lots of hooks [ Shovel Hook Sprint]

Round 3: Jab, Cross, Lead Hook, Rear Knee [ Rear Knee Sprint] 




New type of Round whilst wearing a 15kg(?) weight vest:


Round 1: 3 minutes of Crosses

Round 2: 3 minutes of Hooks [

Round 3: 3 minutes of Knees




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AM - Physical Cultivation [5 Necks style] 

Had to collect and drop off my daughter to school; so short workout today.  Still, time for a nice little '5 necks' style session.


Wrist Roller @ 10kg [stand on a ~1m box; extensor-concentric phase only]: 3 sets of 3 reps (winding it all the way up ~180cm = 1 rep) 

Single Leg Calf Raises:  1 set x 21 reps (each leg); 2 sets x 15 reps (each leg) w 15kg weight vest on

Ring Chin-ups: 3 sets x 5 reps with 15kg weight vest. 


Neck work with a inch wide power band. 

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Wednesday and Thursday:

Re-patterning Stretching - including a might Rectus Femorus dominant hip flexor stretch w [FB]; 2-partner Side Splits and some stuffing around with QL and TFL stretches. 


Friday: some rail balancing work, handstands and 3 x attempts at a back handspring (backsault?). Third attempt I didn't go over one shoulder but went directly backwards. 


Today [saturday]: Physical Cultivation [Heavy Bag work] 

3 x 3 minute Rounds, 1 minute rest, 30 sec sprint at the end of each round.



Round 1: Jabs [Cross Sprint]

Round 2: Jab, Cross, Lead Hook [ Shovel Hook Sprint]

Round 3: Jab, Cross, Lead Hook, Haymaker, Rear Knee [ Rear Knee Sprint]




With 30kg Weight-vest on (no break):

63 jabs

(~90 seconds)

Single Leg Calf Raises each leg  1 sets x 9 reps 

63 jabs

Single Leg Calf Raises each leg  1 sets x 9 reps

63 Crosses

Single Leg Calf Raises each leg  1 sets x 9 reps

63 Crosses

Single Leg Calf Raises each leg  1 sets x 9 reps

63 Hooks

Single Leg Calf Raises each leg  1 sets x 9 reps 

63 Hooks

Single Leg Calf Raises each leg  1 sets x 9 reps


[Total 6 sets x 9 reps Single Leg Calf Raise @ 30kg]

Striking with an extra 30kg bodyweight is weird.  Might drop back to 15kg as the movement patterning was noticeably affected.  Oh well, I am still sweating almost an hour later and after a shower. 


Finisher:  30 Rear Knees each leg [60 total] - no break, trying to maximize power endurance and structure-breathing.  My intention at the moment is to build up to 300 Knees total (150 each side). 


Stretching and Practices to come. 



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Today: Physical Cultivation


Chin-ups @ 15kg: 6, 5, 5 reps

Wrist Roller @ 10kg: 3 reps extensors, 3 reps flexors, extensors-flexors-extensors. 

Calf Raises: 21 reps @ 15kg, 15 reps @ 15 kg, 12 reps bodyweight from deficit. 


Band Neck work from various postures - Ma Bu, Standing, Kneeling, Quadruped.  [North, East, South, West] Some deep neck flexor work, too. 



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Looks great. Love the new sig. quote. Sounds like it might be time to remeasure the five necks.

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@Seadog - I'm gonna blitz them for a few more months then re-measure. ..I still have the Maxwell Protocol for calves to come  - and you better believe Steve knows how to smoke 'em calves!! 


AM - Physical Cultivation w the crew:


Support Hold(?) on Rings: 5 sets ~15-30 seconds

Barbell Squats [super Slow and with Glute Activation Emphasis, trying to minimize knee noise]: 2 sets x 5 reps @ 60kg, 1 set x 5 reps @ 70kg. 

Wrist Roller [Flexor Rolls from ~3ft box]:  3 sets x 2 rolls up

Barbell Press: 1 set x 3 reps @ 45kg, 1 set x 3 reps @ 50kg, 60kg (failed), 1 set x 5 reps @ 45kg. 


PM - Physical Cultivation [Thai Boxing Fundamentals Class]

Tried out a new place that opened up near my house - great little place, good people.  Skipping, 5 rounds of 2 minutes, some other drills, much sweating.  After class had a 'Serge's Medicinal Bath' and am feeling deeply relaxed. 

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This AM:

Found metal table tennis table with plastic paddles and a ball whilst waiting for my daughter to finish school for the day --> proceeded to play ping-pong with [Z] for 45 minutes. This was much more fun than anticipated.  The wind provided an added chaotic vector, upon occasion. 


PM;  Physical Cultivation

Hanging Leg Raises: 1 sets x 21 reps



Wearing 15kg weight vest the whole time:


3 exercise Circuit - Chin-ups 3 reps @ 15kg, calf raises (first 3 sets from deficit, 2nd 3 sets from floor - each leg) and wrist roller 2 reps(rolls) from the 2 ft box @ 10kg for extensors 'revving the motorbike' only. 


[6 cycles]

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This AM:  <fighting off a chest cold virus and moving house>

Barbell Squat: 1 set ~ 10 reps @ 50kg testing knee. 


V-Sits: 3 x 10-15 second  hold

Scoop Position on Rings: 3 x 30 seconds

Barbell Press: warm up sets then - 7, 5, 5 reps @ 42.5kg --> AMRAP set 21 reps @ 25kg


Last night I had a wicked 'Quadzilla' quadriceps stretch w [FB] ..might stretch again this evening. 

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Last 4 days - Moving house. 

The worldly alchemical transmutation that is changing living location occurred in the auspicious-suspicious period of Autumnal equinox, full moon, thunderstorms and Ēastre. 


Day 1 - Epic assistance from Physical Alchemy crew - [FB], Robbie, M., [Z], V., H.  Thank you³ ! Lots of odd object lifting. 


Day 2-3 - Lots and lots and lots of driving and shifting and lifting.


Day 4 evening - Evening of Day 4 of 'real world strength' consisted of deadlifting a Running Bamboo root; standing with one leg up on some steps with a tea-towel balaclava sweeping some highly caustic weed killer off my payment, yet more box carrying, bbq carrying, one arm farmers walk 28kg KB to car, pinch grip plant pot carry, machete skills on bamboo and other plants.




Today my palmar muscles and forearms are deeply sore in an odd way. 


So, after a suitably epic transitionary period it is time to begin a new phase of the work





Today: Nei gong, Nei dan.  Skipped Tuesday training as still cleaning stuff up. 


Somewhere in the last 2 weeks I watched Fight Club and Jodorowsky's Dune in the two inaugural Physical Alchemy movie nights! This is probably the ~11th-12th time I have watched Fight Club and was the best yet.  Jodorowsky's Dune was fucking excellent - definitely in the top 3 documentaries I have seen. 



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