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  • 3 weeks later...

Two-days back: Nei gong, Nei dan. 


Yesterday:  Nei gong (did in a row after Nei dan and had moderately disturbed sleep) , Nei dan.  Went to Avalon Beach for a swim; my aquatic skill-set is ok.. wouldn't mind becoming better at swimming (particularly in the ocean) at some stage.  Also of note: I have some very nice deep compartment soreness in the forearms from the fat grip chins.. not sure if this is from the use of rest-pause (i.e I could reset my grip to optimal) or from using the chin-up grip as opposed to pull-up.  I shall continue with these. 

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I think MH was the one I confided this to: "If only we had 27 hours in each day, we could do all the practise we want to do." This has not happened! 


I love the anatomy-via-drawing goal, too. I look forward to the unfolding, and that image in your second post is gold. Happy New year; it is going to be massive for all of us.

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@Sea-dog - Thanks homez! Happy (Auspicious) New Year of the Flaming Monkey to yourself.  What Hammer said is funny, all I know is I am getting better at fitting in more practices into my days.  This is highly virtuous.  If I practice enough, maybe I'll be granted the sacred '27 hour day'!  The drawing will be fun and informative.  A few years ago I saw a cool course Tom Myer's recommended, where you learn anatomy via sculpture with some clay-playdoe like substance - it looked like lots of fun, and what we do is more or less human sculpture - is it not?


@ Hammer & Emmet - 'Three Alchemical Fellows'..it's gonna be a thang




Nei Dan (nei gong to come..and not too late, as to not repeat last nights sleep disruption)

About 80 minutes work on 'Project A' - one of my Arch-auspicious secret projects for 2016.  Oh baby!

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That illustration needs the sound of an humungous celestial trumpet; what an image! And welcome to the Shoshin category, and a public thank you for all your excellent posts.

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Practices: Wai Gong, Nei Gong, Nei Dan. 


Physical cultivation: Late night '5-necks' work - hyperextension deep neck flexor curls off my couch (sagital and spiral patterns), Kneeling neck-bridge 'halos', dowel pronation-supination work (Tasmanian Oak Dowels: slow and controlled with 5 ft dowel, fast a springy with 3ft dowel), 3 minute set of bodyweight Alchemical Calf Raises (this was killer! Got 25 slow reps out). 

Some side splits play in a semi-straddle position. 


Other: Cooked two pizzas and drew a pancreas. 

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Wai Gong [basic Hands]:  Provoking Hand (9) [5 minutes],  Pulling-Slicing (10) [5 minutes],  Stretching (11) [5 minutes],  Bong Quan Pendulum (13) [ 5minutes]. 


Pm - Heavy Bag and Physical Cultivation


Heavy Bag Rounds* - 3 minute rounds, 30 seconds all-out sprint, 1 minute between rounds. 

Round 1- Jab, Body shot (low cross) [Cross Sprint]

Round 2 - Jab, Body shot (low cross), Shovel hook [shovel Hook Sprint]

Round 3 -  Jab, Body shot (low cross), Shovel hook, Rear Knee (add extra haymaker or cross on occasion) [Haymaker Sprint]


Barbell Calf Raise @ 62.5kg: 1 set x 33 reps


Barbell Press @ 40kg: 3 sets of 3 reps (slow)

Rope Climb: 3 climbs


Practices- Nei dan (ripples and interesting pulsing-contraction), Nei gong.


* Interestingly the heavy bag/thai pad rounds I used to love so much (done at this intensity) have been 'off limits' since I had the systemic collapse around 2007.  Even when every other type of activity was back on the menu (so to speak), these did not digest well in the system.  Last time (before these last few session) I tested I got a neutral response.  Now I am getting the same amazingly positive response I used to get when martial arts was my primary vector of transmutation (and that was a long time ago). It's totally cool(!), like I said elsewhere, this year on a number of levels feels like a return to the beginning (just on a deeper level).


Other - watching some tutorials on Final Cut X to upgrade my editing skills.

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I did a bunch of those hands last night. There are a couple of details that I've worked out that make them craaaazy epic, remind me to show you when I get to Sydney


  Now I am getting the same amazingly positive response I used to get when martial arts was my primary vector of transmutation (and that was a long time ago). It's totally cool(!), like I said elsewhere, this year on a number of levels feels like a return to the beginning (just on a deeper level).




I read somewhere that training is like a spiral if you do it long enough, you'll return to the same place now from the outside it'll appear that is true but each time you come around you'll have gone deeper in understand either physically or mentally so its a whole new experience

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Today: Day 2 of longest solo minding period of my daughter (~3.5 days) I have done.  Luckily she fell asleep at 6pm today.


Wai Gong - Basic Hands:  Plates (7) [ 20 minutes ].  This one is getting into some nasty soft tissue restrictions in a nice way.  The complexity of some of the dual versions has a 'mild irritation and brain stimulating' feeling. 

Da Xuan Nei Gong. 

Nei Dan



Other: craft- doing some beading this AM with Soph @ Cher's house. woohoo!


Also there is some confusion because Serge also talks about wei qi, wei (with an e) which means to guard/protect/defend, so wei qi is the defensive qi or guardian qi

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So... to continue Jon's trend of bad mnemonics, when you fall asleep during your turn as lookout... wakey, wakey, don't let your guard down! ;)


Or just use Chinese! No way to confuse 衛 and 外 ;)

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That's a good wei to remember it... why does Jon always get so defensive about his lifting numbers?? Just kidding :)


And just to preserve some semblance of relevance to Dave's log (sorry Dave), I offer this little nugget of a play on Japanese words: alchemy in Japanese is 錬金術, which is pronounced renkinjutsu. Physical would be something like 身体 or 肉体 (physical body), but to keep it fun/witty we can use 筋 (kin), which refers to the muscles, and switch it out with the 金 (kin - metal) in alchemy: 錬筋術 (same pronunciation as the original), thus the art/technique (術) of tempering/refining/transmuting (錬) the muscles=physical body (筋). That said, the original word can be used metaphorically, but hey...


EDIT: This part is actually interesting.  So, Nathan, if I wanted the characters for 'Physical Alchemy' taking in to account what you know about it, what would this look like in a row? 

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