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Workout poolside, Arizona; temperature 45 degrees C


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Hello all,

No chin-up bar, and the "fitness centre" here has a bike and a treadmill only, next to the laundry (and in the same room) so no use to me.

So, outside into the furnace I went. At least there was a reasonably clean pool to cool off in (those who know me, the cat, will know that I never get into water unless provoked, so you can tell how hot it is!!!).

There is a gazebo next to a barbecue, so I threw a towel around one of the beams and started with sets of five pull-ups (so, supinated grip). This grip, plus the fact that the deep (300mm) beam would not let my elbows move forward during the movement means that the forearms were emphasised.

I interspersed each set with:

L-sits on the pool ladder handles (perfect width for me) three sets, 10" holds

1 set 10 air squats,

three x 5 SLS, using railing for supports, negatives only, two leg getup (SLS: single leg squats)

dips on pool ladder handles, whole body weight (flexed knees), three x 6


two sets of finger assisted SLS, negatives and positives (using railing as assist point)

two sets of table-supported push ups between pool ladder handles; this kept the body horizontal

Stretched HFs and hammies

That took 30', then cooled off in pool one final time.

First workout in the U S!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow Kit. the world really is your play ground. I'm currently using a pine tree branch in the garden and have the rock climbing part of the hammocks swinging from a branch, which Nolan has decided the daisy chain (lots of little web hoops) fits his 2 fingers perfectly and is doing 2 finger pull ups on them. Not sure how long the poor tree can take this abuse, just incase we have a make shift crash mat underneath!

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Hello Jade and Nolan: tress are great! Two finger pullups, eh? Nice work!

And I had a second workout at Sydney's MG (plus some sprint work on steep grassed mounds and stairs later):

Warm up: two sets, alternated, Roman Ring whole-body pushups and pullups (body horizontal, and feet on a box)

SL Deck squats (sets of 5, alternating legs)

20 mixed-grip chins off the MG scaffolding; thick grip (4 x 5 reps)

10 (2 x 5) supinated

10 (2 x 5) pronated

more later!

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Today's short workout:

In Chattanooga, there are reclaimed rubbish heaps, now grassed over; smooth steep slopes, perfect for hill sprints and bounding practise (as boundy as I get these days!), as well as BIG steps. I will shoot these as soon as the lens arrives.

So, after walking a mile or so across the pedestrian bridge, I made my way to the mound/step area.

1 x hill run (25m)

1 x alternating legs step run (also about 25m)

1 x 80% hill run, same hill

1 x two leg hop, then jump, up big stairs (just over knee height)

1 x alternating legs step run, bounding as much as possible (same stairs)

1 x two leg hop, then jump, up big stairs, trying to land as softly as possible

Then off to Syd's Monkey Gym

1 x 5 Bulgarian dips, full depth

1 x 5 low ring pushups

3 x 10" front lever preps (one leg extended; the other 90 degrees at hip, also straight; alternated legs)

1 x 10 low ring pullups

And, tomorrow, the Stretch Therapy workshop begins.

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