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  1. (All references to exercise numbers are to Stretching and Flexibility) Generally, I have been reluctant to include much partner stretching with my (older student; mostly 60s-late 70s) stretch class. Recently, it was because of Covid distancing restrictions, but previously, it was because many students have vulnerabilities and are at greater risk of damage (and poorer recovery) than younger students. However we have always done the partner shoulder depress, and partner arms up behind back (ex 11), both of which they have enjoyed. Recently, because all the students have been with me for a long time and know themselves and each other well (as well as being highly responsible) I have been introducing a few more partner stretches, ones that I myself have particularly enjoyed. These are Partner all fours rotation (ex 49) and Partner lying rotation (ex 8). In my earlier ST experience I found that there were some partner stretches which I did not like, and which I did not find valuable. These included e.g. partner hamstring stretches and partner piriformis stretches. In both of these case the partner forces are directly applied to a simple muscle group. I am wondering if the ones I like (and therefore I introduce my students to) involve a complex muscle anatomy and have a big fascial involvement. Another partner stretch which fulfils these requirement is the partner hip flexor stretch (in its many variants). However I think this is too powerful for my students, but maybe will give it a go and see how they like it. One that I like is knees being pressed to the floor in either tailor pose with the torso upright, or inverted frog (lying flat on back, knees apart and soles of feet together). I am more flexible than my students so may not respond as they do but if I am anything to go by they should like these (although they seem to have expressed a bit of reluctance when I've mentioned it, though we haven't tried it so far). So my query here is for two things - 1. What partner stretches have people found best with older and sometimes more vulnerable students? 2. What do people think of my idea that the partner stretches that feel most valuable, involve stretching complex muscle arrangements and have a high fascial involvement? Jim.
  2. Though doing a body scan while stretching would seem intrinsic to any stretch technique, a search of this site with the word "scan" produces no results, and I dont remember it being explicitly mentioned anywhere. But maybe it appears in other guises. During a stretch, I've been doing a scan of the areas affected - and other areas as well. So for instance in a held single leg standing hamstring stretch, I first feel what is happening in the toes, then the balls of the feet, the arch of the foot, the instep, the ankle, the Achilles tendon, the calf muscles, the back, sides, and front of the knee, the different thigh muscles (in so far as I can distinguish them), the buttocks, the hip, the waist, the back, the shoulders, the arms, the neck, the head, the other leg. In other words, though I concentrate in more detail on the areas most closely involved in the stretch, I scan the rest of the body as well. This enables me to form a total picture of how the whole body is involved in the stretch. Then I can try relaxing areas that seem tight or that are being worked unnecessarily, and focus my attention on the areas that are being stretched, or that I intend to work on. This may seem slow and tedious, but after the first time I do it, I find I form a mental picture that means I can slip into it very quickly on later attempts. It would seem that doing something like this could help, and indeed be essential, in body awareness and body work. I’ve only tried it a little myself so far, but hope to tell my students about it soon, in case anyone finds it useful. I wonder has anyone tried it (whether in this form, or another one) and what has been your experience? Thanks, Jim.
  3. I think there is a community of teachers here already, some of whom have already encountered problems relating to ‘selling’ what you deeply believe in and teach to people who may have never heard of it and therefore not sure if they need what you are teaching: - Explaining what Stretch Therapy is, in an area where no one heard of it - Explaining how the potential clients with low body awareness and limited exercise experience (eg NOT athletes or dancers who know exactly what their body needs) would benefit from it - Explaining why they need to pay money to someone to get them do things that are painful to them - Moving them from awareness and interest (‘good idea, I’ll stop by’) to action – ie actually joining a class - Making sure they come back again, and again Although I am currently teaching not Stretch Therapy but Group Pilates Classes on Equipment, these are equally unknown and unfamiliar in the place where I decided to open a studio. So in the first couple of months I have tried a few things and I wanted to see if such a conversation would be beneficial for the ST Community (teachers mostly). I started it here because I like the friendly folk here. And may be Kit or Olivia could bring their own extensive experience in. If there is interest, I would share my own limited experience. If it is not an appropriate topic for this forum, then feel free to remove the thread, or reposition it elsewhere. Hugs to everyone from Vienna xxxxx Olga
  4. Hello All, We have managed to arrange an insurance policy for ST teachers and apprentice teachers in the UK. Here is the info. DSC-Strand Limited Swithins Tilford Road Farnham Surrey GU9 8HU T: 01252 735806 E: info@dsc-strand.co.uk www.dsc-strand.co.uk Send them an email asking for Care-Sure Insurance for Stretch Therapy. The basic annual all-in premium should be £61.80 p.a. If there are any issues or if you have any questions please e-mail me (ashwintirodkar@gmail.com). I do not check this forum often so if you ask me a question on this chain it might be a while before I get back to you. Cheers, Ashwin
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