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  1. Looking for feedback: I realised (for reasons described below) that I and my students probably had quite weak rotator cuff muscles. There are a lot of stretches for the rotator cuff in the ST program, and we all know the strengthening exercises that use small weights, resistance bands, and walls. But I didnt want to use weights or resistance bands in the class (we dont have them), and the walls arent available for use. I wanted to use just the floor and body weight. Also, many of my students are elderly and some have long-standing injuries to a shoulder, so I wanted my exercises to be (1) safe, (2) easily able to be done in the mildest form, possibly progressing to stronger, with the natural starting point being the mildest form, and (3) done on one side only for those who dont want to use both shoulders. I’ve tried the exercises below a few times with my students – I cant say they actually like them, but they are getting an effect. The first photo shows 3 panels for external rotation of the shoulder. The elbow is close in to the waist, the wrist is pushed into the floor using the shoulder muscles, and this rotates the body away from the arm. In the first one the knees are bent, and some of the body weight is taken on the legs, so the force on the shoulder is very mild indeed. In the second one the legs are straight, and if we start with the body rolled a bit towards the bent arm, there is a bit more force needed to lift the body and rotate it away from the bent arm. If the leg is taken across the body (3rd panel) more force is needed to rotate the body and this is the strongest position for activating the externally rotating cuff muscles. In the second photo (below) for internal rotation at the shoulder, the elbow is in close to the waist, and the wrist is pushed into the mat using the shoulder muscles. Again the legs can be straight (mildest) or the leg of the same side out to the side (strongest). The third photos (below) shows one targeting the infraspinatus and supraspinatus (confirmed by palpating). It is the same as the starting position for pushing up into a gymnastics bridge (yoga wheel). The shoulders as lifted off the ground by 1 cm or so. Many students find it impossible to move even this much, and just tense up the muscles. If can be done in a milder form with one arm at a time, in which case the body just rolls away from that side. This third exercise is what suggested to me that our rotator cuff muscles might be weak. I and my students who push up into a bridge find we lose strength in the starting position quite rapidly, and we need to strengthen even to start to lift off the ground (once off the ground a bit, the angle changes, and the arms can push – i.e. extend – instead to lift the body, and it gets much easier). The problems I found were (1) we had to be sure that the elbow was really as close into the side as possible – otherwise the arm muscles can push to make the movement. This needed close attention because the students seemed reluctant to do this. (2) One student who has a very slight figure did not feel anything (maybe because she is so light) until her leg was across in the strongest position. (3) One male who has a stocky muscular torso couldnt get his elbow in close enough, and I’m not sure he could get his arm in the right position so as to avoid pushing with his arm muscles to make the movement. Otherwise they all found that they had been activating the muscles. I didnt want to make it too strong, because of their age, and I thought it better to do a little rather than nothing. I’d appreciate if anyone has any feedback on this. Many thanks, Jim.
  2. I teach a group of mainly older students (a few 40s - 50s, but mainly late 60s to late 70s). Some are very flexible, having been doing yoga for years, but all need strengthening. Because my classes are the only exercise classes they take, I feel some responsibility for their all-round fitness, as well as for their flexibility, even though it is just called a stretch class. Therefore we include some strengthening exercises (mainly core strength and core "reflexivity"). The legs get some strengthening from our standing routines. However, doing other peoples' yoga classes over the Chrismas break has shown me that I myself am poor in shoulder strength, and since my own routines are similar to what I do with my students (though more intense) this means that my students are also likely not getting enough shoulder strengthening either. Therefore I need to include some shoulder strengthening in my classes. There are of course many exercises available, usually needing weights, therabands, or walls. However we dont have any walls available (only windows), and I dont want to buy and hand out equipment if I can avoid it. It would be nice to include strengthening exercises seamlessly as part of the stretching routines, maybe using the floor and body weight. One of the constraints is that in this older group, many have shoulder "issues", either from arthritis, past effects of cancer surgery, old injuries, you name it. So any exercises have to be very safe and also graded (so the intensity can be adjusted right from the start). I will go through all the established exercises and look for ways to use or adapt them to these constraints. And I think I'll check them with a physio before introducing them to the class, in view of the vulnerability of some of the students. However I wonder if any of the members of this group have any suggestions and any further advice, either from their own teaching experience or training. Many thanks if anyone has any advice. Thanks Jim. And I'll add in another issue which is indirectly related. I guess we all think that the most effective strengthening uses a movement over the full intended range of movement of the muscle. But I wonder how a held stretch at one position compares in strengthening ability. Obviously we dont expect it to give as good results over the other parts of the range, but I wonder how the actual strengthening in that one position compares. I ask because a lot of our strengthening is a held position against gravity, not moving exercises. I expect the answer is known by exercise physiologists - does anyone here know?
  3. I'm trying to figure out which of the programs to go to in order to solve a problem I have. I do CrossFit, but the same situation can happen to me in the gym. I take a bar and pull it straight up almost to my chin. The elbows are supposed to point diagonally upwards, mine refuse. They cannot move much beyond 90 degrees. Someone told me the problem was that my scapular is too tight. Maybe that's it. I cannot help but feel that whatever it is that is too tight, you have some program for it. I have the "Master Shoulder Flexibility" as well as many other classes. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks
  4. Hi there! I hope this is the right subforum, even if I have not recorded a video. My question regarding the german hang: Is Protraction absolutely necessary to safely apply force to my shoulders? In other words: Can I be confident about not harming myself in the long run when just letting the shoulder girdle relax and slide into retraction? Some more background info: I am fairly strong and especially my shoulder girdle is quite tight and rigid. However I can get into the german hang even in a retracted state without any shoulder pain whatsoever and the stretch feels even more intense when I do not protract my shoulders. I assume since my shoulder blades can move freely and I do not feel any pain, it should be safe to go for the deeper stretch? I watched quite a lot of videos on the subject in which people teach to always protract the shoulders "to control the position" without giving any further information on the subject. Cheers, Thomas
  5. I thought I’d post this, in case anyone has similar symptoms, as it might be helpful. For years, on an off, I had a mild pain along the inner side of my arms when I raised them to the side. I never thought about it much, and imagined it might be a muscle or tendon pain. Then it went away. However, some months ago, it came back more strongly, just on the right side. At its worst, there was a radiating burning pain along the inner side of the upper arm, in the thumb, and around the ring finger. The dull burning pain was strongest on a patch on the front of the shoulder, and all the muscles around the shoulder joint were tender. Feeling along the line of the pain on the arm (which gave strong burning sensations after a delay) gave a line overlying the median nerve. Shooting pains in e.g. fingers are a sign of nerve damage too. After reading posts on this board, I heard about thoracic outlet syndrome (thank you whoever posted them). The very great majority of cases of thoracic outlet syndrome are due to nerve damage, most of the remainder being due to blocked blood flow. The nerves to the arm leave the neck at levels C4-T1, and travel to the arm through a fairly narrow gap under the collar bone. Then the nerves intermingle, rearranging their fibres, in what is known as the brachial plexus which is on the front of the shoulder, before the different nerves travel down the arm. Trapping of the nerve under the collar bone will lead to pain in the brachial plexus, and in the areas supplied by the nerves. In more severe cases it can also lead to paralysis. The symptoms showed that mine was clearly neural. But why was the nerve getting trapped (if that was what was happening)? One reason is that when I sleep on that side, my shoulder tends to crunch forward, squeezing the front of the shoulder. Stopping sleeping on that side helped, but the pain still didn’t go away. Being thin and unmuscular with mobile shoulders I probably hold my shoulders too low, which means the gap between the collar bone and rib is smaller than normal. So my exercises have focussed on trying to lift the outer edge of the shoulder and collar bone, by lifting the outer edge of the shoulder blade. After experimenting, three exercises have been particularly good. (1) One is to try to target the lower trapezius, by shrugging the shoulders up while holding weights (10 kg in each hand – that is just what I had conveniently available). The action is to try and concentrate the lifting from the inner lower part of the shoulder blade, which is made easier by slight squeezing together of the bottom of the shoulder blades, as well as a strong lift to push the tops of the shoulder blades up and out to the side. (2) To target the anterior serratus, by doing mini-pushups against a wall, with elbows close in to the side. (3) The other is to roll the upper and back part of the top cm or two of the shoulder up and backward. It is a very minimal action, and may in fact be lifting the top of the shoulder blade (the acromion?) by targeting the anterior serratus, though I can only feel it in the top of the shoulder. It is a strange minimal lift and roll of the bone just at the top back outer edge of the shoulder – if you roll the whole shoulder it does not help. This one is particularly useful if I’m sitting at a desk and I’ve been holding the arm relaxed while just the wrist is supported on the desk. Generally the pain has gone now, though it can sometimes recur unexpectedly while using my arm. I suspect most of the pain is due to inflammation of the nerve sheath, because the most tender points are along the line of the median nerve and over the brachial plexus, and we expect inflammation and irritation to take time to die down. The other thing, is that if I cant get a comfortable position to lie in at night (lying on my back often irritates the nerve, for reasons I’ve not been able to work out), lying on my good side and closely hugging a pillow in both arms seems to keep the arms in a stable and restful position (I found this advice on a site for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome). It may look as though I’m missing my teddy bear, but it is all for medical reasons. Cheers, Jim.
  6. Hello everyone, I have very tight shoulders, especially my left. I get a strange klunking sensation in my scapula that I get when hunching my shoulders forwards (as they are always generally) and then pulling back. This is extremely amplified when I do the last exercise in Kit's Yuri band demo, where he faces away from the band and internally rotates his arm. The klunking and snapping become almost unbearable. So should I plough on or is there another exercise that would target this problem? Thanks and all the best, Gareth
  7. Hi everyone, It's my first time posting here. I'm a male in my mid-40s and have been weight training for more than 20 years. Throughout much of that time I have had pain in my shoulders, mainly in the front of my shoulders, and mainly from working my chest. I've been able to minimise this pain by changing the exercises I do and using lighter weights. Recently however I have also started getting pain in the rear of my right shoulder, mainly when working my back or shoulders. The other week I had to stop in the middle of doing shoulder press as I was getting a very sharp pain in my rear right shoulder. (I can also get a milder pain sometimes when holding the bar doing squats. My right rear shoulder becomes really tight all of a sudden and I have to stop.) One thing that I have noticed is that I have limited external rotation in my right shoulder: Suppose I stand with my back against a wall, my upper arms also against the wall and parallel to the floor, and my forearms bent at a 90 degree angle. If I now try to externally rotate my arms so that my forearms also touch the wall, it's harder to do with my right arm and near the end position the rear of my right shoulder hurts. My right side also has reduced external rotator strength: If I lie on my side and do the standard rotator cuff strengthening exercise, my right arm becomes fatigued more quickly than my left. Currently I am doing Kit's long stick external rotation stretch which feels pretty good and may be helping. Other things I have tried include - the two standard external rotator cuff exercises - face pulls - various band exercises - pec stretches against a wall All of these cause pain in the front of my shoulders, either fairly immediately, or later in the day. (I tried all these before I started getting rear shoulder pain and hence I don't know if doing them now would also cause rear shoulder pain.) In addition, any stretch that involves placing my arms across my body tends to lead to front shoulder pain. In the past I've also used a ball to massage the rear of my shoulders, my shoulder blades, and also my chest. I am not really sure if that was helping or not. I'd really like to improve my shoulders. Any suggestions on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Hello! This is my first post here, I hope I am in the right place. I have read a lot about the things I am going to say either from Kit's articles/posts or from other sources. A little about me, I am 20 years old, male, student, from Cyprus. I started strength training back in June and continued until October. that's when I realised that my mobility deficiencies won't allow me to continue injury free or at the very least, continue at all. Also a week ago after reading this article http://www.eatmoveimprove.com/2009/11/shoes-sitting-and-lower-body-dysfunctions/5/ I decided to address my deficiencies and that's where I need advice. My overall goal is a healthy, mobile body that will be able to take gymnastic type strength exercises with minimal chance of injury. To be more specific my short term goals are shoulder flexion flexibility for my handstands and to work towards restoring the arches in my feet as well as overall shoulder stability/strength. I decided that for the long journey of getting back my mobility I will be focusing on one or two "areas" at one time because otherwise I won't be able to give the attention needed. For reference I have Master the Shoulder, bought today Master the Squat and after seeing Yuri's sequence from MTS I also bought the Banded Shoulder Traction from Yuri himself (awesome stuff). The routine I've been following the past month that is incomplete because I keep building upon it is: The Foot Drills http://www.coachr.org/the_foot_drills.htm Yuri's Banded Shoulder Traction Wall Handstand Practice (3 times a week) Wide Ring Rows (for posterior shoulder strength) (3taw) Abdominal Wheel (for ab strength and potentially some hypertrophy) (3taw) One Leg Glute Bridge (actually following this https://www.t-nation.com/training/dispelling-the-glute-myth to help with flat feet) (3taw) Lying abduction (same as above, from that article) (3taw) Anti Pronation Exercise (from here:) And for stretches I do from MTS: E1 Cat Pose (both stretches) E2 Pec Stretch (on the floor) and whenever I have time I try the other stretches but not always due to time restrictions As for Master the Squat I bought it a few hours ago and haven't gone through all of it but much emphasis will be on calf stretches. Regarding this routine. I follow all of it as described on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday. And all other days except Monday, I do all of it except the strength exercises. I have some questions and I need some advice in order to work towards my goals as effectively as possible. 1) First of all, generally, what would you add/remove/refine in this routine to make it better for my goals? (again: flat feet and shoulder flexion/stability, at the moment) 2) Some of the limbering exercises in Master the Squat require to get in the full squat position. I can get there but due to the lack of arches my feet/knees tend to lean on the inside causing some slight discomfort in the knees after some time and sometimes crunching sounds, without pain. Should I ignore these? Will they go away over time? Or should I try a different approach? 3) I bought minimalist shoes from Vivo Barefoot. Can you point me to an article/video that demonstrates correct gait? 4) I am considering some running in my fivefingers once or twice a week. Is it sufficient? Will I see much difference? Thanks a lot in advance. Please if I made a mistake and this was not the right place to post this, move it or tell me to repost it elsewhere. Also if I left any important information out, tell me
  9. Hello all, I really need some advice for more targeted work to address my inability to perform a Snatch (squat variety) or Overhead Squat. I do a lot of CrossFit and I am progressing in every other movement except these two because I do not have the range of motion to do them. The range of motion i currently have my shoulders can only be described as atrocious. Give me any range of motion test you can think of and I will surely fail it! I have been working the shoulder mobility series and it has improved my shoulders to some degree (admittedly I need to spend more time working them). Squatting is not a problem for me. I can squat with my feet shoulder width apart and sticking straight forward, so it doesnt feel that hip or ankle mobility is the issue (also not saying i couldnt improve on them). To even attempt an overhead squat I have to really widen my stance and turn my feet out. The barbell at the bottom of the squat (assuming I even hit that depth that day) is not behind my head as it should be rather more on top of it. My shoulders just do not let my arms move back in that direction. I also feel a lot of tension in my back when i perform that movement. I really looking for an answer explaining what areas need to be the most flexible to perform those overhead movements, how my specific mobility problems relate to those, what stretches or drills should I be doing to address them, and in what frequency. If you would like me to perform any drills or to share any pictures of my range of motion I can certainly do so if that would help address my issues. Thank you in advance! Matt
  10. I'm a little confused about the cues when preforming a passive backbend on a wheel, roller, or bench. In both the Backbend Mastery Series and S&F its required for you to relax into the stretch once you have your upper back stable on the support. Is it implied that I should tuck the tail during a passive backbend? I'm feeling a good stretch from the bottom of my rib cage through my abdominals without tucking my tail. I imagine there has to be some stretch in the lower back during a backbend, though without causing any compression? I just feel like I'm not understanding the proper cues. If I were to tuck my tail and breathe/relax into the stretch, I'd lose the tail tuck as my hips travel downwards or when I take a deep breath. That and I feel like my abs are continuously contracting without allowing a backbend to take place.
  11. When it comes to Gomukhasana, or exercise 12 from S&F, how do you prevent the scapula and the shoulder of the lower arm from rolling forward during internal rotation of the shoulder? I find that in order for myself to reach the top hand with the lower one, I have to let the arm of the lower roll forward, thus causing an impingement. I may have not been reading the cues right in the book, but shouldn't it be necessary to roll the shoulder back and retract the scapula before internally rotating the arm? I also notice with exercise 59 for the external rotators, that Kit explains (the narration from Master Shoulder Flexibility) how you need to roll the shoulder forward first before starting to internally rotate. Is this still a proper cue or should the shoulder be rolled back? What am I not understanding? I can provide pictures of my attempting to do the stretch at a later time.
  12. Hello! I'm new to the forums, and I want to start off with a puzzling stretching issue that has been bothering me for some time, and it has to deal with the internal rotation of my shoulder (ankle joint restriction is another problem of mine but I'll share that in another topic). My goal is to make more substantial progress with clasping my hands behind my back (cow face pose, or the shoulder stretch from the FMS). I've used both Master Shoulder Flexibility and Stretching and Flexibility 2nd Ed. The major problem I'm facing is pressure/discomfort in the front delt as well as stagnation with being able to draw my hand up behind my shoulder blade. Based on Stretching and Flexibility 2nd Ed, exercise 12 and exercise 59 (also E7 from Master series) . Both illicit this feeling in my front delt, and I feel very little stretch from the external rotators, or it could be a matter of the pain from my front delt is overpowering the feeling of the stretch. Also I just feel like my hand gets stuck behind my back and I can no longer pull it upward with a strap in exercise 12. I sometimes use a band instead of a strap but I still feel the discomfort in the front delt. Can shoulder extension affect my ability to internally rotate since the front delt is mostly stretched in extension? I feel like I'm missing something very simple, I'm just not seeing it right now.
  13. Hi everyone, I am currently experiencing fairly significant discomfort and muscle tightness in my mid thoracic spine and shoulder, rotator cuff and QL on the left side (lats/traps) which I am working on with the help of various ST stretches especially forward and backward bends, the neck series, spinal rotation and QL stretches. I also have a set of anti-gravity boots and bar and gymnastic bars coming and am working on creating a better fit "baby whale" (barrel to back bend over) as I find it really hard to hit the right spot. Today I discovered that if I clench my glutes really hard then the pain relieves immediately. As soon as I relax it comes back. Like turning on and off a button. Amazing! Further observation revealed that clenching my bum makes my pelvis tip up, reduces the curve in my lumbar spine and makes my shoulders drop back and down a little and my upper back muscles relax. Even more amazing! Fortunately I stand with my back to the wall in a corner at work and I have a fully adjustable standing desk so I can do this without looking too odd. Now I am wondering if perhaps as well as stretching my back I should focus on strengthening my bum (and loosening hip flexors?) If I clench my glutes too much, will I strain or over tighten other areas? Is it possible to strengthen/activate my glutes enough that I can achieve this posture naturally without such intense effort (which I can't keep up constantly - either I get tired or distracted). Finally, I am rather curious, can anyone shed any light on why this is happening? I understand glute strength/activation and pelvis position impact posture and when used correctly reduce back strain, but I thought this would occur over time. I'm surprised by the on/off (like a switch!) effect this is having on my pain. By the way, a Physio, chiropractor, osteopath and GP have all advised the back pain is from muscle tension (described as "like rope" and "like reinforcing rods") caused by typing/desk work and my rotator cuff being strained as my shoulders roll forward a bit like "wings." I don't have a specific injury, more like constant throb and tightness. I also have a patch around dinner plate sized on my thoracic spine, left side, where the skin feels "frozen" or numb to touch (like how hands feel on a very cold day without gloves and fingertips lose sensation). Thank you! Sorry my profile is "faceless" for now, pics on my phone are all too large to upload. I look forward to making my way through all of the excellent info on the threads (I have begun, but there is much to read and experiment with) and getting to know you all better, virtually. Ngaire
  14. The question is in the title. My scapula is protruding and I don't know how to fix it. My kinesiologist says that when I raise my arm I get shoulder impingement because my scapula isn't moving properly. Ideas?
  15. I've been working on shoulder dislocates recently (overgrip and undergrip with a bar). I never had an issue using bands. I can use a pretty narrow grip, and I have good overhead flexibility and strength. But for some reason, I cannot keep a full grip on the bar when it gets near the end range, almost no matter how wide I hold the bar. For instance, if I'm doing an overgrip dislocate, I have no problem until the bar is about 6 inches from my backside. Then I have to let some fingers off the bar to finish the dislocate. Any ideas on why I have that limitations (what muscles are tight) and what exercises from the shoulder flexibility series would help? I haven't bought it yet, but I will this weekend. Thank you in advance.
  16. Dear Kit, I have a shoulder niggle that I am hoping you could help me with. I am currently working through your "Master the Squat" series to complement the gymnastic bodies foundation course that I'm also working at; my flexibility is pretty shocking, which is severely limiting my progression through the gymnastics. The most concerning aspect of my mobility to me is my shoulders: I experience a very specific click with pain through certain movements; not a normal joint click, but a more soft tissue pop which is quite uncomfortable and becomes more uncomfortable with repetition of the specific movement. Before I provide you with more detail, I think it might be useful to give some information on my background and the series of events which I believe has led me here--please bear with me! I am a 30 year-old male, and like most men, have a few years of unstructured weight lifting (especially bench press!) coupled with no stretching under my belt. At the age of about 25 I transitioned to bodyweight training, specifically progressions on the rings with the help of Christopher Sommer's "Building the Gymnastic Body" along with a lot of pull-up, dip, and press-up variations, again with no mobility. About 2 to 3 years later I had to stop such a regime due to the development of left shoulder pain (deep in the side of the deltoid, but not the one that now gives me grief) which was diagnosed as trigger points in my rotator cuff and treated with soft tissue work; this has largely disappeared, but if it gets sore then I know what to do. After all this I decided to start from scratch and develop the desired strength with some direction from someone who knew what they were doing. I managed to find a children's gymnastic coach who was willing to give me one-to-one sessions; he correctly identified my severe lack of flexibility as a major issue and set about helping me rectify this with various mobility drills and stretching. However, one of these drills was shoulder dislocates on a stick; he pushed me pretty hard on these and even manually helped me if I couldn't get round at a certain width of grip. Needless to say, after a few weeks my right shoulder began to hurt during the movement and soon after it was accompanied by a kind of click. I came to the conclusion that he was treating me like he treats his much more flexible and mobile 8 year-old students and so I stopped going, and instead started Sommer's foundation course which was specifically geared toward adults. I did have a few months rest before starting GST and went to see a physio, but the rest didn't cure it and the physio didn't really have any ideas. That brings me up to the present, where, in any motion in which my right arm is behind me--for example, trying to do as wide an arc as I can with my arm--as I'm coming back round I get that painful pop, it seems to happen on the front of my shoulder on the boney part. The exercise which really highlights my issue, however, is the so-called "Stiff Leg Windmill" ( ); somewhere near the bottom of this movement reliably makes my shoulder hurt and click, so reliably I had to modify it greatly to progress! Sorry for the rambling, but I hope it gives you enough information to help me if you have the time, any advice would be most appreciated. I would also like to hear your thoughts on courses such as GST as it doesn't seem to be helping my shoulder; there are shoulder dislocates on the horizon, and to be honest, I am dreading them! All the best, Aaron
  17. Hello, I'm following the guidelines of Rippetoe's Starting Strenght for the major lift. I have a shoulder flexibility problem for the low bar squat. I end up with the wrong wrist position that is pretty painful with a loaded bar. See below, my bad position on the left and the good one on the right. I've been doing some stretches with no improvements so far. What would be the best stretches to improve this position ? PS : if you want to take a closer look to Rippetoe's low bar squat position and why it's better, here is a useful video
  18. Hi, My name is Mats, I´m 50 years old and live in Sweden. I´ve been training GST (gymnastic Strenght Training) since 2008 and have been following Gymnastic Bodies and Coach Sommer since then. I´ve also been to 3 of his Seminars. Thats i little bit of my backround. I´ve had a problem with my right shoulder now for 8 months.The problem appears worst in bent arm vertical pushing strenght like at the bottom of a dip, the transition of a muscle up and especially in the concentric part of the movement. Horisonatl pushing works alot better but not perfect.Also headstand push up works fine. The pain can also come in my every day life, like reaching back for something while sitting in the car or when I sit at my desk at work and there is some pressure on my right shoulder blade and at the same time I´m doing something with my right arm. The pain appears on my delt or in the front of my shoulder. The pain can also radiate out in my arm down towards my elbow.The type of pain is stinging, pinching. Like a nerv is getting pinched. I´ve had i X-rayed (MR) and there is not much that shows. No ruptures of RC muscles. I´ve tried: No upper body strenght work for a month with little to no results. All sorts of different RC movements with little or no improvment. Been regularly to massage therapists, Naprapaths and Chiroprators with little luck. My wife got me Stretching and Flexibility for Christmas. Ive heard so many good things about it on Gymnasticbodies.com and I have now been through the shoulder section and the daily 5+2. Most och the stretches work fine without pain. The ones that trigger a bit of pain is: The C-r part of #9 Arm across the body The You tube video Rotator cuff series; Subscapularis causes some discomfort doing the c-r part Anyway thats my story. I hope i´ve been detailaed enough for you to give me some ideas of how I could solve this problem Any advice or ideas are very welcome. Thanks Mats
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