Hi Kit et al,
The last time I posted was in 2012...long time. I am still very tight and I really want to get start to address my issues. I read throughtthe START HERE forum. I also took a look at the limbering exercises and know the kneeling side bend would be an issue. As posted in 2012, I can't even sit back on my heels. Still can't. I sit for long hours, I go in the gym and I am pretty strong. This might to beTMI but I will post anyway. One of the reasons why I am keen on improving my flexibility and mobility is due to my belief lacking in these areas are contributing to painful periods (primary dysmennorhea). I eat well, I have been exercising for year, recently starting back Chakra meditation chants as well. So the questions are
1) Is it tight hip flexor muscles that are causing the intense pain that I am feeling (please see attached pic. image on left is comfortable position, image on right is painful position. Excuse the cat)
2) The Daily 5 exercise of the Kneeling Side bend might be a bit problematic for me so is this recommended?
3) Due to my restrictions, should I start with the Absolute Beginners Series even though I have attempted stretching in the past? Or should I start with Mastery of Squats program
p.S I suffered a left upper trap injury while doing a back tuck for gymnastics about 4 years ago so I get a burning pain there especially when stressed. I landed on my head luckily I am still alive. So my upper body is an issue as well.