Hello all,
As some of you know, I have just returned from a silent retreat co-presented by myself and Patrick Kearney, run in the wonderful Govinda Valley Retreat Centre; I did the movement, lying relaxation, and alignment sessions; Patrick did the dharma and practise sessions talks.
I recorded all my lying meditation sessions, and I have uploaded them onto the server. They are labelled Monday-Saturday. One of them, Wed23/4, is a simple counting exercise, so apart from those instructions and some relaxation cues, is largely silent, so unless you specifically want this practise, skip Wednesday.
These are .mp3 files, so will download directly into iTunes or on to any MP3 player; you only need to save the files onto your desktop and load into whatever listening device you use.
Here they are:
Monday (the first one, and the most basic, HERE.
I have included a "Fast_generic_ relaxation_18'" audio HERE; this was recorded a few weeks before.
Tuesday (the second in the series; slightly different visualisations) HERE.
Wednesday (the two approaches to counting practise) HERE.
Thursday, the Vedana (focussing on feelings and emotions) HERE.
Friday, a number of new visualisations, HERE.
Saturday's one, focussing on a different form of the Sampajanna (Clear Understanding") practises, part of the relaxation script HERE.
Please enjoy, and I will appreciate hearing from you about your experiences with them, kl