The second in this new series is now live.
A technical note: the two-shot camera was not focused (the image was completely soft), so I decided to edit this program differently. We shoot in 1080p only these days, and master in that HD format, before outputting at 720p (there is no visual difference if viewing on a computer or anything smaller, and the files are half the size). This means we have considerable latitude in the look of the final program.
So, this time, I reframed both the closeups on the other two cameras in FCPX, and I am happy with the results. I have made a 160kb/second podcast too; link below. And our thanks to Cherie Seeto and Ken Lamb for the use of their lovely space, with its abundant natural light.
The thread we talk about is relinked here, too, below.
Vimeo (free download):
The Forum thread we discuss:
Comments very welcome. DW will be starting a new thread so you can post conversation topics; I think this is a great idea.