Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru!
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Hello everyone, I have a simple question: does the body guide you sometimes; because I get the impression the body tells me where I should be stretching by activating certain parts after I've worked some other parts, now my particular situation is that I was stretching, or working, the piriformis and the adductors. And, what was happening was that after working my left adductor, all of a sudden, it stopped working. It wouldn't do anything anymore, and I had to switch to the other adductor, to then be able to come back to the first adductor. And it'd be working again. When I say working I mean it would stretch. It would loosen up. So, in working with these adductors I had to continually swtich between the two, as if they were telling me, no now that's enough switch to the other side or else we'll have an imbalance. Then all of a sudden it stopped working with the adductors and I had to switch to my left piriformis. I felt it activated. Like I had fallen. To the ground. And I was left with a little bump on it. And it wasn't there before. Now - just now - I've finished with my left piriformis. Or better said, I should say it stopped working. And now I'm thinking it must be like with the adductor business, and I'm supposed to switch, between the two, like it had been the case with the adductors like I said. Is that something that happens? Because I'm just a beginner; I don't know anything; but, what I've experienced, made me think, of what Kit said in one of his videos - on Youtube. I think it was one with the pancake training. And he was explaining that the body or the mind would stop you from doing the pancake, the full pancake, for some safety measure. That you might be able to stretch full each leg, by the side. But the brain stops you from doing so with both legs at the same time; although no connection, muscular connection, exists between the two legs. So you should be able to do it. So It made me think. The body, like in everything, is looking for balance, and is actively trying to keep you from imbalancing yourself, and will guide you - if you listen to it. Hey buddy you might want to look on the other side or else you'll end up Casimodo. Here's the video in question:
- adductor
- piriformis
- (and 9 more)
Hi everyone, First time posting here! In a nutshell I have been struggling with weight bearing squat movements for the last 18 plus months! At times, when doing the movements I feel like all the effort is being forced through my adductors. Last January I was attempting a 1 rep max squat and felt a slight tear on my right adductor. It was nothing major as I was back out on the field running 2 days later. I haven't done squat movements (squat, thruster, snatch, lunge, C&J etc) with weights since then. In addition I find a 'compression' like sensation in my upper groin/hip flexor/adductor area when I pull my knee to my chest. Feel it both sides but more so on the right. Even when I perform a simple lunge stretch for my left hip flexor, my right adductor feels a strain. This injury hasn't stopped me playing sport as I have no issues when running! But it has prevented me doing any lifting in the gym for the last 9 months. I had an MRI on my lower back and hips but that showed nothing unusual. Some physios have commented that my lower back is pretty tight and may cause this issue I'm having with squat movements. Might also be worth noting that when attempting the pancake, I can only get to 90 degrees Any help or advice on this would be really appreciated!!