Hi All
I have a new student with bad right need and has had surgery as a teen on broken left femur so he has metal in that leg. He is a man in his 50's who works in an office. He had accupuncture last week on his lower back and still has swelling and soreness on that site. He also came to my stretch class which was basic stretches from Overcome Back Pain video in chair: side/QL, forward bend between thighs, rotation, plus some neck, then hipflexor and in his case floor piriformis with bolster as this was the only one he can do with out pain in his knee. He says having the accupuncture needles in was uncomfortable. My experience of accupuncture is always good, and I only feel the needles when they pierce the skin then not again, usually fall asleep.
Does anyone have experience with interactions between ST and Accupuncture or similar experiences with accupuncture as my student?
thanks in advance.
Stretch Teacher/Stretchability/Canberra