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Found 3 results

  1. So Cher and I were stuffing around in the studio and came up with this: It is actually remarkably comfortable and stable IF your partners know how to assist properly (and that can be a big 'IF', sometimes). Not for everyone, but something fun to whip-out at an Advanced class. Felt really good, in my body, with a 'toes on accelerator' plantar flexion contraction and a thoracic straightening re-pattern. Yee'ah.
  2. Here is a of one of the foundational positions I use for horizontal hanging Lat and Lateral Line (and Functional Line) stretching (horizontal as opposed to hanging from a chin-up bar, or rings, for instance). You can definitely target the Lat muscle directly, if you get the angles and PNF contractions correct, but as interesting (or more so) is the many areas of tension and adhesion of the soft tissues of the lateral aspect of the body that are amenable to re-modeling in this position. Many of you will have tried a lot of these variations in position on ladder bars or hanging off squat racks between sets, etc. Once you've got the base position (hip hinge; correct grip and shoulder position; stable base; etc), there are a lot of different angles to 'lean in to'; directed breathing techniques for emphasizing the internal and external intercostals and diaphragm; contact-relax and other tension oscillation techniques; spiral vectors and mirco-movements. The sensations in the lats can be quite strong if you have done a lot of strength training, or sport/martial art training, or are generally tight from sitting and not moving enough - so pretty much tight in most people. Go slowly and smoothly whilst exploring the sensations and don't go into pain. There are easier version of both side bends and lat stretches in Kit's books and videos, if you have not done any stretching before. Once you are comfortable with the position and movements you can increase intensity. I personally find that this has really wide ranging and positive postural, movement and breathing benefits. The hanging variants seem to work really well for guys and gals who already do strength training, sports and/or other movement work. Hope you enjoy it! Dave
  3. Yet another clip from last Wednesday's filming sesh @ Sydney Stretch Therapy. This one is a nice progression for unlocking Downward Dog.
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