We have finalised the plans for the first three programs (Master the full squat and hip mobility, Master the pancake, and Master the Pike) and start work on them in the next few weeks. I have found and editor and we have a local cameraman.
I added 'Master the full squat and hip mobility' program because there was simply too much material in the other two, and because mastering the first program guarantees an easier path through the other two. All can be worked at the same time, if desired, though.
Programming information and discussions will be made available here on a private forum, free to all purchasers of the programs.
After the announcement today from GB (about their latest courses, "Movement One" and "Stretch One/Two"), I will not be releasing the details of the contents of the forthcoming programs publicly on the forums here. Be assured that the quality will be similar to all my present books and DVDs.
I remain firm in my intention that these programs will be DRM-free, too.