Here's a Hanging Pec Minor and 'Arm Line/Lung meridian' stretch I have been playing with of late:
I'm really loving the solo and partner versions of the hanging stretches at the moment; more to come. I'm hopefully going to be filming some of the variants of this stretch around Easter time.
Stretch Therapy has been so helpful!
I recently purchased Master Shoulder Flexibility. I had the "concept" that I need to stretch my pec minor and long head of the biceps (which makes sense to me). However when I do the Partner Stick Pec Stretch with straight arms the inner part of my elbow (golfers elbow area) gets irritated. It appears me that in that stretch my arm muscles (bicep, tricep, maybe forearms) will tense up to help "protect me" which then puts a lot of strain on my elbow.
Do you recommend avoiding the Partner Stick Pec Stretch for now and explore the Pec. Stretch With Fascial Dimension exercise (and the other exercises in the program)? It appears to me I have to let go of what "I think" needs to be stretched and "how I think" it should be stretched and continue to foster an environment of trust and awareness.
Note I also recently started performing a few forearm stretches and wrist strengthen exercises.