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Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru! ×
Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru!


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  1. Thank you, Kit. I finally got ready to try the Cossack squat. Unfortunately I have found that it's hard for me (from where I am in terms of flexibility) to follow the tutorials on the Cossack squat that you have kindly shared here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcupbV9YkEY and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAeU-4QDl1I. Is there by any chance a "beginner" version of the tutorial, similar to how you explain the exercises in the OBP course or in the Starter course, that describes how to get into the pose and shares cues to do the exercise the right way? Thank you again for everything you do and share.
  2. Thank you for the detailed answer, Kit! Here's the mapping of exercises to programs + the "orphans": Program 1 = Exercises 1 and 2 Program 2 = Exercises 3 and 4 Program 3 = Exercises 5 and lunge (Exercise 7, but done slightly differently) Program 4 = Exercises 6 and part 1 of exercise 8 (not the wall part). This always confused me, too, because program 4 is called "Spinal rotation" and Exercise 8 is Lying hip / piriformis Program 5 = Exercises 10 and 11 Program 6: Exercises 12 and 14 Orphans: Exercises 8 part 2 (wall piriformis, which I found to be super useful), 9 (not that I would be able to do it - don't have the right surface), 13 (elephant walk)
  3. Thanks Kit! This is helpful! On my point #1, if we ignore the Starter program for now, I'm still feeling a bit confused as some of the 14 exercises are not part of the follow-along programs; so it feels like I'm missing some important aspects if I'm only going through the programs. Any reason as to why you haven't included some of the exercises into the programs? And, if I were to add them to my routine, which programs would they best fit with? I totally get the point of feeling what's right - but that requires some good acquaintance with the material. To use a metaphor, I know really well which music will work well for me out of the music I know. But when I have 6 programs and 14 exercises, and some of them I have done 2-3 weeks ago now, I simply don't remember / have a feel of "would those work well for me now", which leads to the confusion
  4. In a different course, Olivia I believe is actually doing this one with Yoga blocks under her feet
  5. Hi, friends - thank you for this program and I'm hoping it's going to be hugely helpful for me. Question: my struggle is with the pain that is mostly located to the right side of lower back and extends into back side of the thigh and even into the calf area. The pain is mostly prevalent / most acute when I stand up after sitting / laying down and try to stand straight (chin up, straight spine, no bending at the hip joint). When I sit, the pain is mostly in the right butt area, and extends from there into lower back (or at least that's the way I feel it) Various exercises I've done from this course so far provide temporary relief, but I wonder if there is one or two that seem to be most fitting for the situation based on your experience? Thank you
  6. Hi, I have been doing “Starter Stretch” for quite a while and am considering buying the “Overcoming back pain”. When I looked at the exercise list, it seemed like quite a few of the exercises overlapped (seemed like half, but I might be off). So I’m a bit confused as to whether there is a lot of unique content in OBP Is that correct? Would you recommend getting both and alternating days? Or just doing one of them at a time, since it seems like you recommend taking breaks between stretching days? Or continuing with the “Starter Stretch”? EDIT: a follow-up question - if stretching should be done every other day, what do you recommend doing on "off" days? RollStretch like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etzby7viJM8? Or bodyweight? Or just a rest day?
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