Thanks Kit! This is helpful!
On my point #1, if we ignore the Starter program for now, I'm still feeling a bit confused as some of the 14 exercises are not part of the follow-along programs; so it feels like I'm missing some important aspects if I'm only going through the programs. Any reason as to why you haven't included some of the exercises into the programs? And, if I were to add them to my routine, which programs would they best fit with?
I totally get the point of feeling what's right - but that requires some good acquaintance with the material. To use a metaphor, I know really well which music will work well for me out of the music I know. But when I have 6 programs and 14 exercises, and some of them I have done 2-3 weeks ago now, I simply don't remember / have a feel of "would those work well for me now", which leads to the confusion