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Otávio Souza

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  1. It could be that your knee is hyperextending, and therefore causing the described pain.
  2. Thank you Kit! Do you think that alternating the days of stretch and strengthening is enough or should it be alternating weeks (such as one week stretching and one strengthening?)
  3. Hello everyone I've suffered a hamstring injury about 1 year ago doing a front split. After that, it was about 9 months of pain and restricted movement.. About three/four months ago, the injury started to get better as I started to strengthen the muscle group (mostly with hamstring curls and hip thrusts). It got better to a point where I would not feel acute pain sitting for long periods (what used to happen on the first 9 months) or doing any kind of leg extension.. But even though it got better, in some movements i still feel like there is a lock on my hamstring, a feeling of tightness that stops me from doing some exercises.. On the pictures, as you can see, I perform two different hamstring stretches: The single leg pike and the head to toe. On the single leg pike, I can barely touch the floor, as in the head to toe, I can progress much better (with some pain still).. It's worth to mention that I don't feel pain anymore doing the splits, but I do feel a little bit of a lock stopping me from touching the floor on it. Appreciate any help.
  4. Hey Kit! You mentioned that both RDL's and BDL's were key in your recovery. Can you dive a little bit deeper into how many reps you did, how many times a week and such? Thank you
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