Hi Kit
I am so glad to have been reacquainted with your stretching workshop (27&28th May). It was an honour and joy to speak with you and for you to share some of your wisdom throughout. As with the first workshop I attended 20yrs ago, I am looking forward to improved mobility, quality of life and independence. Thankyou again.
It was also informative in that I have been given more tools to help overcome this back and neck pain and spasming that has plagued me for 26yrs. I am more aware of how important relaxing and making body go soft aid with improving flexibility (something I have found hard over the years). I am working on the nerve impingement still in my left arm.
Ways I am already feeling a different (one day on) –
· Crossing my legs freely the other way (Sunday) when sitting.
· Left upper arm and elbow feel lighter (Sunday). This is where the constant nerve impingement occurs.
· Noticed a slight improvement in left hamstring flexibility.
Ways I am feeling different (5 weeks on) –
· Left anterior shoulder has opened (relaxed) up more. Nerve impingement in upper left arm and elbow feel same as day one.
I still have many questions:
1. Leg length difference?
When I mentioned about the pains and extreme tightness in my left side (hamstring, quadratus lumborum, neck, nerve impingement in arm) on Saturday you suggested and tested me for leg length difference and found my RIGHT LEG to be approx. 2cm shorter (podiatrist at wksp mentioned this). I took on your advice and removed the sole from left side and added a sole on the right side. What I noticed that day –
· Went for a 15min walk first thing in morning (Sun) and was getting intense sensations on the lateral and medial sides of the right knee.
· Went for a 15min at lunch break today and these sensations had subsided considerably.
· Went for a 10min after workshop finished. Very minimal sensations.
· Went for a 15min walk 1hr after workshop finished. Very minimal sensations.
Still have an added sole on in R.H. shoe. 5 weeks on –
· Very few sensations in right knee
· Lingering right adductor soreness
I am left arm dominant, which reading your book, tends to exacerbate these problems. Also my four pairs of shoes are all worn out on the right sole.
If your above suggestion solves this back, neck, leg and arm problem I will be forever indebted.
2. How do I follow up more about this leg length difference? Who do you recommend in Melbourne to check this please?
Since wksp I have been doing the specific piriformis, hamstring, calf, quadriceps, back extension, middle back rotation, quadratus lumborum, new hip flexor stretch, biceps brachii, lower back and latissimus dorsi stretches you demonstrated each week. These are added to all of the stretches in your book below of which I have been doing religiously for 20yrs.
3. These are the exercises (overcome neck and back pain book, 2nd edn, 1996) I wanted you to check if I was doing correctly?
1. Quadratus lumborum – lateral flexion using a chair (ex no. 2)
2. Quadratus lumborum – legs apart: lateral flexion with straight legs (ex no. 17)
3. Quadratus lumborum – Standing lateral flexion ; roll out (ex no. 30)
4. Iliopsoas (modified salute to the sun) – (ex no. 7)
5. Levator scapulae - Middle upper back (rabbit) pose (ex no.8)
6. Levator scapulae – neck stretch - chin on chest variations; chair (two movements) (ex no.15)
You covered 1, 2, 4 and 6 (or improved variations of) in the workshop (27&28th May). If I can break down this unrelaxed and tight quadratus lumborum I might well on my way to improved quality of life. As with point 5 (levator scapulae) I feel this may help with reducing the nerve impingement I experience?
4. Again who is the person you would recommend in Melbourne who can check these exercises?
5. Resources. Which books, DVD’s do you now recommend as I only have the 2nd edn of overcome neck and back pain? I hope I can order these directly from your website and not amazon.com etc. ‘You mentioned overcome neck and back pain –update DVD’ to compliment the 2nd edn book?
· ‘Have now bought overcome back pain, individuals version’ off vimeo and will do these exercises next stretch.
I am looking forward to going over all the information on this (for me) new found stretch therapy website. From what you were saying there many links, forums to help, youtube video that will aid all.
By the sounds of it over the years you have touched, helped and fixed a lot of people with your insights and knowledge on how to overcome problems and pains in the body by listening to it. I have already been touched and helped by you and now I hope to be also on the fixed list.
Warm regards
Konrad Maggenti