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Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru! ×
Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for the New Year. Love from Liv, Kit, and Nathan, our tech guru!


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  1. @Kit_L Thanks for the detailed answer! I just received a copy of ONBP and would proceed reading it alongside SF, really like that assessment section in OBNP.
  2. @Kit_L Thank you very much for the detailed response. I think I'll end up getting ONAP too just to read more about the theory behind back pain. I have some relatives that might benefit from OBP more, since it's more a follow along program with little theory behind. I also have to mention how one relative in particular have been to multiple PTs (be it private or public service) and none of them have helped so far since most of the PT field here is considered more as a massage therapist. From what I've heard from her experience it was mostly massage, no explanation to the cause of the pain and no routine given to follow at home (except for the public PT, but I don't know if she was consistent enough to follow the routine) so ultimately she resorted to cortisone shots. Another point to keep in mind is their consistency to follow the program and their belief in it, so I think my best choice would be getting more familiarized with the method before any suggestions of OBP are made. I'll try reading both S&F and ONAP to get more familiarized with the system. As for my main sources of information I used the information provided by Steven Low on his website and a PDF available for the stability exercises from Stuart McGill, mainly: http://stevenlow.org/low-back-pain-from-crippled-to-100-in-10-days/ http://stevenlow.org/so-you-hurt-your-lower-back/ http://www.ahs.uwaterloo.ca/~mcgill/fitnessleadersguide.pdf I must agree on what you mentioned about the McKenzie exercises and the reverse hypers, I actually tried them during 1st day or 2nd day and the pain got worse the following day. At one point I ended up using back braces to relief part of the pain until I finally started doing the routine I mentioned earlier. I believe my injury wasn't that serious but it got worse due to my poor posture in general and/or maybe doing extension exercises plus reverse hypers recklessly, this aggravated the situation to the point that by the 4th or 5th day my walking was accompanied with pain and some numbness. Duly noted. Since my back is better now, I'll add carefully more elements into my routine and remove those elements that could potentially aggravate the pain.
  3. @Kit_L My bad, I didn't realize this was OBP and not ONAP. I've been following S&F and so far so good, also considered getting ONAP for friends and family. I don't know if they'd benefit more from a video follow along or a book, so I'm still questioning what to get. If it can serve as data, I can share on how I managed to get by back pain under control (herniation with localized pain in the lumbar area but not enough to cause numbness in the extremities, from deadlifting at a increased volume during a deload week where incorrect form and lack of flexibility might have been the cause). Mind you I also fall into the camp of those that chose to rest instead of keeping active for the 1st - 2nd week, which is a terrible thing to do and potentially slow down recovery immensely (I didn't start rehabilitating more consciously until a week and half, almost 2 after the injury). At first I tried mobility and stretching, but it only got the pain worse. After researching a bit I tried stability and realized this is what I lacked, so I incorporated stability work. I started doing the following: Cat-Camel mobility work as warm up. McGill big 3 for the stability portion (McGill sit-up, Side plank and Bird-Dogs). I found out although my front core was 'ok', the sides and erector spinae were lacking in comparison. Walking. This helped IMMENSELY. Segmental rolling, didn't know these could help so much. A week-in of stability everyday I decided to add more mobility and some stretching, this was the time I could handle it and the pain was reduced almost to a 70%. McKenzie exercises Chair side lower back stretch Reverse hyperextensions I could say now that I'm about 85%-90% full recovery as I slowly start adding more elements from S&F, mostly stretches targeting the obliques and QL. And more importantly it's watching out my posture throughout the day and sleeping/sitting positions.
  4. By taking down the program do you mean a new edition of ONAP is going to be released or there's going to be a new series introduced? Or is it just taking down the ONAP information website?
  5. Hello @Kit_L and everyone. I was not sure if opening a new thread for my question was adequate enough, so I'm going to post my question here instead. It's been a few years since I purchased the whole Mastery series and I am quiet happy with it. But as of late it has come to my mind the need of purchasing a physical reference material about stretching (to keep in my shelf) and I was considering between 'Stretching and Flexibility' or 'Overcome back and neck pain'. So I was wondering if any of you have both of the books and could perhaps give me a brief distinction between 2 books so that I could choose one among the two. I'm afraid if that I buy both of the books there'd be too much information for me absorb among all the resources I already have and would most likely end up not using one of the books to its full potential. What I'm actually looking for is a reference guide with stretches for the whole body, probably more oriented towards beginner practitioners (although not obligatory), so that I could lend the book out to family and friends. From what I've seen in the brief description about both books on the website, it looks like 'Stretching & Flexibility' is more along the lines of a reference guide of what I'm looking for and 'Overcome back and neck pain' is the more popular beginner oriented book from Kit, I could be wrong about this though. Also it looks like 'Overcome neck and back pain' have more written about diagnosis while 'Stretching & Flexibility' is just a series of stretches. I guess my questions could be summarized as: What are the main differences from the 2 books? Is 'S&F' more whole body oriented than 'OBANP'? Any of the books missing any stretches out from the other? Does 'OBANP' have more emphasis on pain diagnosis than 'S&F'?
  6. Wow, out already? I just bought the Squat series a few days ago! Damn it, I always miss the sale day... Maybe next time. Don't know if this has been answered already, but you can work this one alongside the squat series, right? I have yet to start the squat series, due to time constraint and a lingering injury in my left knee. So maybe I can work both programs together after testing how far I can push through safely in the squat series. Or start this one individually if the knee gives me problem in the squat series.
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